34. “Warriors should suffer their pain silently.” – Erin Hunter 35. “Yes, I understand why things had to happen this way. I understand his reason for causing me pain. But mere understanding does not chase away the hurt. It does not call upon the sun when dark clouds have loomed ov...
Also, check out our most popular quote article, a list ofshort inspirational quotesfor daily wisdom. See the rest ofour quote databasefor even more inspirational ideas and thoughts. Positive Thinking Quotes For A New Perspective 1. “We become what we think about.”–Earl Nightingale 2. “If...
“The hardest thing you can do is smile when you are ill, in pain, or depressed. But this no-cost remedy is a necessary first half-step if you are to start on the road to recovery.”–Allen Klein “Let go. Why do you cling to pain? There is nothing you can do about the wrongs...
Paradoxes, absurdity, andpataphysics(science of imaginary solutions) where anomaly is the rule, or rather,to quoteCanadian poet Christian Bök,the rule itself is the exception in a pataphysical science that rules out the rule. Continue reading“Reading on the Fringes: The Voynich Manuscript” Au...
So, let’s delve into this curated list of the best quotes about memories. Check them out now. Best Memories Quotes 1. “The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.”– Lois Lowry ...
They created fear, the fear of death and of hunger and of pain. And they directed that fear into domination, and anger, and greed, into hatred and violence. And they turned that hatred against the flesh of the Word, and they killed that flesh because it was everything they were not, ...
fast pain relief快速止痛;C.burns烧伤;D.cuts割伤。由最后一份药品上的:for insect bites可知其作用是用于蚊虫咬伤。故选A。 【5】D 细节理解题。题意:不要把Antihistamine Cream涂在哪儿?A.in a 24 hour period24小时内;B.in the eyes眼睛里;C.near the eyes眼睛旁;D.on broken skin皮肤破损处。由...
还有学生细读文本,指出Susan Sontag in her 《Reaing the Pain of Others》实际上是用Circular arguments来论证她的观点。 在老师的引导下,学生不再是在罗列事实、摆弄知识,而是运用高阶思维,在探究不同概念间的逻辑关系和各种认知范畴间内...
” She winced, but whether from the memories or the pain I couldn’t tell. “That blasted thing is all that’s left of the past. It followed me, but it’s too much to… ” Her voice tailed off, then she rallied. “I wasn’t having any of it. It’s your responsibility now. ...
afflictionn.painand suffering or something that causes it 折磨;痛苦 eg: help people in affliction 帮助受苦的人 衍生 afflictv.[usu. passive 通常用於被动语态] ~ sb./sth. (with sth.)cause trouble, pain or distress to sb./sth. 使某人...