Cellules-SouchesNo article summary included菲力浦•毕斯甘弗朗索瓦•路易邱举良《法語學習》編輯部法語學習
Page(s) : 253 Année de parution : 1998 On sait, depuis les travaux de Lorenz en 1951 [1] que la moelle est la source exclusive des cellules souches hématopoïétiques, c'est-à-dire des cellules capables de reconstituer l'hématopoïèse de receveurs irradiés à...
Gene therapy might be an interesting future prospect.doi:10.1016/j.oncohp.2014.01.005Meyran, D.Giraudier, S.Bruno, B.Mazingue, F.Nelken, B.de Berranger, E.Revue Doncologie Hématologie Pédiatrique
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are obtained by reprogramming differentiated cells through forced expression of four embryonic transcription factors. The discovery of this technology, able to transform a differentiated cell into a pluripotent cell, has profoundly shifted the paradigm of the concept...
As described in Chapter I, Friedrich Wegener was the first to suggest an infectious etiology for WG. The pathophysiology of WG is still unknown today. Zie: SummaryFrançois SigauxOhio University Press,
Stem cells: do they present a hope or an illusion?JeanPierre DadouneJacqueline Mandelbaum
In vitro-differenciated embryonic stem cells give rise to male gametes that can generate offspring mice.JeanPierre DadouneMédecine Thérapeutique
Induced pluripotent stem cells : from history to applicationsIléana AntonyDebréSofiane HamidiFrançoise NorolWilliam VainchenkerHana RaslovaHématologie