Question 10: Nommez des fromages frangais. Answer : Brie, gruyere, camembert, et roquefort sont des fromages frangais. Question 11: Ou se trouve la Corse ? Answer : La Corse est une ile dans la mer mediterranee au sud de la France. Question 12: Nommez le recueil des poemes ecrit par...
With the help of question papers, one tries to find out whether the set objectives of the curricula are realized and thereby, to evaluate the entire teaching-learning process. The teachers as well as the students plan their respective works and activities keeping an eye on the questions set ...
Hint:Since in the above question, we are given that the curve passes through two points, we need to take the example of a curve which includes two parameters. So we can choose the curve to be a straight line, whose general equation is given by $y=mx+c$. By ta...
Sound waves can be mirrored as can all waves. As a result of sound wave reflection from a large obstacle, the sound is heard which is named as an echo.As the reflected sound gets merged with the original sound, echo is usually not heard. To hear an echo distin...
inspire generations. His emphasis on courage, self-discipline, and selflessness laid the foundation for building a nation of empowered youth. Yet, as we reflect on his teachings, a poignant question arises:if Swami Vivekananda were alive today, would he be proud of the state of India’s ...
3.3. Willingness to Adaptation The ffiirst question of this section asked the participants to identify the best practices for adapting to climate change, in order to iinnvestigate whether respondents know the meaningg of adaptation and how it differs from tthhee ccoonncceept ooff mmiittiiggaatt...
do not worry. you have come to the right place. how to learn english can be a question that keeps popping into your mind every now and then. learning english grammar is one of the factors that many second language learners of english find intimidating. though they start learning the ...
He was a titan lived among his beloved followers and common people who trusted him even during the time of controversies and political storms. Kunhoonju,the pet name given to this mass leader by his people was not merely another name.It was a true expression of their sincere love and ...
centre of the circular loop, magnetic field lines become straight lines. At every point of a loop, the concentric circles representing the magnetic field around it would become larger and larger as we move away from the loop. The strength increases as we go closer to the centre of the loop...