MISSION® pLKO.1-puro Non-Target shRNA Control Plasmid Sigma-Aldrich Cat# SHC016 psPAX2 Addgene Cat# 12260 pMD2.G Addgene Cat# 12259 OPA1 plasmids Trifunovic lab N/A Software and Algorithms String database https://string-db.org/ Bowtie Langmead et al., 2009 http://bowtie-bio.sou...
Schistosoma mansoni: A diagnostic approach to detect acute schistosomiasis infection in a murine model by PCR. Exp. Parasitol. 2006, 114, 84–88. [CrossRef] 116. Sandoval, N.; Siles-Lucas, M.; Pérez-Arellano, J.L.; Carranza, C.; Puente, S.; López-Abán, J.; Muro, A. A new ...
we knocked down mTOR expression in mice using an acute intracerebral infusion of small interfering RNAs (siRNA) in the infralimbic (IL) or prelimbic (PrL) cortices of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and evaluated depressive- and anxious-like behaviors. mTOR knockdown in IL, but not PrL,...
(SI)n-MviKtr-o26rIes-uapPtoatkeentiannhdibSiteiloecntivaessDayAsToInnhHibEitKor293 cells expressing hDAT, hNET or w(a0MRhm2c8vp.n5oe62aSao)de6-rm.lrEd7MauereµR(2saInpenRunK)fiMTda(tos)nS-rav(efw2e()iiRn(idRln69d0tdea)r(5.)-(tIro5nct-M%IoCeoM26oCdr15Comuoe(5µ0K6R...
These mice thermoregulate without changes in energy expenditure or Ucp1 expression, and surprisingly respond to acute cold exposure ade- quately. We also observed novel genes that respond to the lack of Trsp in brown adipocytes both at room temperature and after acute cold exposure, particularly ...
uprooting infecte0d mats was the main strategy "We uprooted mats of infected bananas to protect the remainin0.g1 bananas in the field as we have realized that if we do not uproot early the banana might tur0n.2 to red which can be dTa1n.agerous no7t5o%nly in my field but also ...