当你遇到“a protocol error occurred. the connection is closed by ssh server”这类错误时,这通常指示SSH连接在尝试建立或保持过程中遇到了问题,导致服务器关闭了连接。以下是根据你提供的提示,分点解答该问题的建议: 1. 确认SSH服务器状态 检查服务器运行状态:首先确保SSH服务器正在运行。你可以通过服务器的日志...
SecureCRTssh 客户端连接失败: Theserver has disconnectedwithan error.Servermessage reads:A protocol error occurred.Changeof usernameorservicenotallowed:(root,ssh-connection)->(zoujiaqing,ssh-connection) 这是因为SecureCRT设置中的用户名和你登录时候输入的用户名不相符,在这里改一下就可以: 选项->会话选项-...
SecureCRT 私钥登录ec2 报:A protocol error occurred.Too many authentication failures for ec2-user 解决 1、私钥登录aws的ec2机器,一般都是通过命令行,如: ssh -i xxx.pem ec2-user@IP -p port_num 2、如果想通过SecureCRT登录ec2,则需要把xxx.pem 文件转化成 xxx.pem.pub 文件 3、转化成pub 文件后,...
Server message reads: A protocol error occurred. Change of username or service not allowed,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
1. 新建一个普通用户 Useradd unixbar Passwd unixbar 1. 2. 在securecrt远程工具中,使用普通用户登陆的时候,出现了 The server has disconnected with an error. Server message reads: A protocol error occurred. Change of username or service not allowed: (shang1,ssh-connection) -> (shang,ssh-connect...
error. Server message reads: A protocol error occurred. Change of username or service not allowed: (shang1,ssh-connection) -> (shang,ssh-connection) 1. 2. 3. 4. 这是因为sshd中禁用了root账户远程登录。 修改sshd配置文件: vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config ...
一、SecureCR 远程登陆是有下面的提示A protocol error occurred. Change of username or service not allowed,百思不得其解。 二、原来是SecureCR 登陆的是前后两个用户名不一样 三、设置成一样就可以顺利登陆了,FUCK。 ... 查看原文 JVM 调优报错: Conflicting collector combinations in option list 完整报错...
securecrt SSH Client Connection failed:TheServer has disconnectedWithAn error. Server message reads:A protocol error occurred. Change of username or service not allowed: (root,ssh- connection) (zoujiaqing,ssh-connection) This is because the user
{message}","errorMessage":"An error occurred. Please try again."},"defaults":{"config":{"applicablePages":[],"dynamicByCoreNode":null,"description":null,"fetchedContent":null,"__typename":"ComponentConfiguration"},"props":[],"__typename":"ComponentProperties"},"c...
4GL STOP condition: The Server application has returned an error. (7243) (7241) A Device Attached To The System Is Not Functioning A fatal alert was received from the remote endpoint. The TLS protocol defined fatal alert code is 49. A Licensing error occurred while the client was attempting...