拉丁语中,a priori指的是先验的,先天的;a posteriori指的是后验的,凭经验的。这代表了知识获取的基础。一个命题若独立于经验即可认知,即是先验的;反之,通过经验方能了解,即为后验。在哲学领域,先验知识与辩证无关,如数学定理,逻辑重言式或纯粹理性演绎等。而后验知识则依赖于经验或验证,...
a priori“先验的,先天的”和 a posteriori“后验的,凭经验的”是由康德的 “纯粹理性批判Critique ...
来自拉丁语: a priori, a posteriori a priori = derived by reasoning from self-evident propositions a posteriori = derived by reasoning from observed facts 这一组术语源自哲学。a priori与a poster...
There is no way to know this statement without experience, so the knowledge of its truth would be a posteriori knowledge.A Priori Knowledge A priori knowledge is a term in philosophy that refers to knowledge a person has that they did not learn from their experiences. If a person can know...
经验的或归纳的论述(A Posteriori statements)是那些“经历了以后”的获得的论述或是真理。换言之,你得先去体验,然后你才有发言权。这就是前缀post-的意义所在,即“经验之后”。 先验哲学论述则建立在逻辑的基础上。 先验的哲学论述因而在本质上是“分析式(analytic)”的, 而经验的论述则本质上是“系统的或总结...
a posterioriepistemologyscientific inquiryThe distinction between a priori and a posteriori knowledge has been the subject of an enormous amount of discussion, but the literature is biased against recognizing the intimate relationship between these forms of knowledge. For instance, it seems to be almost...
A related question is whether learning mathematics requires [[A priori and a posteriori|experience or reason alone]]. 一个相关的问题是,学习数学是否需要经历,还是只有理性思考就足够了。 ParaCrawl Corpus In particular, it will show that naturalism can help to resolve the puzzles surrounding Kripke...
The distinction between a priori and a posteriori knowledge has been the subject of an enormous amount of discussion, but the literature is biased against recognizing the intimate relationship between these forms of knowledge. For instance, it seems to be almost impossible to find a sample of pure...
A posterioriis primarily used in philosophy, but is also occasionally used in general conversation and writing. My break up with someone’s son showed me that we had no business trying again. Lessons about love can only be a posteriori never a priori. ...