Understand what a priori knowledge is. Learn the meaning of a posteriori knowledge and explore the difference between a priori and a posteriori...
a priori“先验的,先天的”和 a posteriori“后验的,凭经验的”是由康德的 “纯粹理性批判Critique ...
A priori knowledge is knowledge that comes from the power of reasoning based on self-evident truths; a priori usually describes lines of reasoning or arguments that proceed from the general to the particular, or from causes to effects. A posteriori is from Latin ā posteriōrī, which means ...
To this end, we propose two design approaches of the adversarial examples: (i) A priori; (ii) A posteriori, i.e. before and after learning steps of the receiver, respectively. Numerical results show that both approaches are effective for securing the communication link....
The intuitive distinction between a priori and a posteriori knowledge (or justification) is best seen via examples, as below: A priori Consider the proposition: "If George V reigned at least four days, then he reigned more than three days". 先验与后验知识(或者判断)的直观区别,可从下例体...
拉丁语中,a priori指的是先验的,先天的;a posteriori指的是后验的,凭经验的。这代表了知识获取的基础。一个命题若独立于经验即可认知,即是先验的;反之,通过经验方能了解,即为后验。在哲学领域,先验知识与辩证无关,如数学定理,逻辑重言式或纯粹理性演绎等。而后验知识则依赖于经验或验证,...
经验的或归纳的论述(A Posteriori statements)是那些“经历了以后”的获得的论述或是真理。换言之,你得先去体验,然后你才有发言权。这就是前缀post-的意义所在,即“经验之后”。 先验哲学论述则建立在逻辑的基础上。 先验的哲学论述因而在本质上是“分析式(analytic)”的, 而经验的论述则本质上是“系统的或总结...
将“A priori y a posteriori"翻译成德文 a priori und a posteriori是将“A priori y a posteriori"翻译成 德文。 译文示例:La Agencia realizará periódicamente evaluaciones a priori y a posteriori de sus actividades cuando estas supongan gastos importantes ↔ Die Agentur nimmt regelmäßige...
A Priori and A Posteriori Models for Infectious DiseasesSir Ronald Ross (1916) suggested the name The Theory of Happenings for the solution of the following problem. Suppose that a population P is divided into two groups. One part of the population ( Z ) is affected by something and the ...