With the different characters of datatypes and large amount of data going to be managed in open-source database, localization to the specific linguistics is the major concern in Ethiopia, as the nation used different datatypes compared to the Gregorian s
The level of statistical significance was assumed a priori at α < 0.05. Shapiro-Wilk test show that the results had a non-normal distribution. Spearman’s correlation was used to evaluate the correlation between each measurement in UCLA Shoulder Scale. The test-retest reliability was analyzed...
“the “belief in a just world” is an attempt to capture in a phrase one of the ways, if not the way, that people come to terms with-make sense out of-find meaning in, their experiences. We do not believe that things
On the contrary, as pertinently pointed out by Masica (2001: 224), “the feature(s) define the area; the area […] does not a priori define the features,” and an individual language variety may very well belong simultaneously to several different areas or contact zones, depending on ...
I don’t know why (Urdu-speaking focus group participant). Many women thought that eligibility should extend to the child’s fifth birthday and among non-English speaking participants, there was consensus that the programme should extend beyond five years to establish good eating habits in ...
Through Social Opinion Mining, natural language can be understood in terms of the different opinion dimensions, as expressed by humans. This contributes towards the evolution of Artificial Intelligence which in turn helps the advancement of several real-world use cases, such as customer service and ...
Therefore, ultimately, the manifestation of Martian surface features should be predictable if the underlying physics and chemistry are well-known, meaning training datasets that reflect these physical properties can be developed. Balaji when discussing the use of ML in the physical sciences, noted that...