I think a few people do most of the work, and that is often the case that again, I don't know what to do about that.” This was confirmed during the first author’s observations as she did not see a CG volunteer during any of the observation periods. The sole reliance on Calendula...
Mack Brock - Your Presence Is A Promise(Live In Studio at Haven Place, Charlotte, NC/2020)
GSs born in Guatemala, Columbia, Mozambique, Germany, and two in the United States make for a global room (Don’t quote me on this, but I believe Scott Daniels was born in Detroit Michigan, which is…well… let’s just say a lot of good people were born around Motown… ahem). Havin...
It is almost certain that anyone with even a remote church affiliation has heard the “ain’t neither of ’em godly” refrain, or the “I was supporting Cruz, but now that y’all rejected him…” mantra, or the “We don’t need to worry; God is in control” chant to justify not ...
I was cleaning up the mess of the water I’d splashed all over the floor in my haste when I felt his presence at my back. “Need help?” “No. It’s fine. I’ll be out of your hair in just another minute, sir.” “I told you not to call me sir. Call me Conrad. Or Conn...
Said differently, if coastal navigation was already difficult, it could become even more challenging in the presence of poor visibility conditions (i.e. nocturnal vis- ibility). The precariousness of coastal navigation, in fact, rises in an inversely propor- tional fashion when compared to the ...
We compared the presence respectively absence of additional non-speech sounds over four genres (horror, detective, romance, humor) to investigate possible interactions between story genre and influence of sound effects and background music on storytelling experience, emotions and robot perception. In gen...
that's faith.i'll remember everything in too much detail- but not my own words. they fade like thoughts do. i knew this would happen, and i considered the moment because it finally had. surprised?Full hands, not steady, Full house? As if the presence swoll when it left.We all ...