直播吧5月9日讯 皇马在欧冠半决赛两回合总比分4-3战胜拜仁,成功晋级决赛。赛后皇马球员们穿上特殊球衣庆祝。在成功晋级决赛后,皇马球员们换上了一件特殊球衣,球衣背后写着“A por la 15(让我们去赢得第15冠)”。皇马目前已经夺得过14座欧冠奖杯,他们期待在本赛季欧冠决赛继续获胜捧杯。而这一幕也让人想起...
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meaning the user has to distribute on their own by their own will. Because PvtPprs are created on the user's device without the need of internet (once the generator is loaded), rather online or offline, PvtPprs actually hide from The Way Back Machine until the finished and opened PvtPpr...
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i.e. those stems that are morphologically related, belong to opposite aspects (= grammatical classes) and, in addition, share a lexical meaning. Conversely, one might ask which kind of lexical unit underlies complex paradigms of such verb stems: is it one lexical entry, or lexeme, or more ...
The data from Guaja and Emerillon are interesting because, in order to express a sequential meaning with co-referential participants, Mbya Guarani speakers would also use a vy-headed dependent clause (41), as in purpose constructions. Nonetheless, the dependency marker cannot be dropped in this...
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Type genus: HypoxylonBull., Histoire des champignons de la France. I: 168 (1791). =SphaeriaHaller, Historia stirpium indigenarum Helvetiae inchoata: 120 (1768). =SpermodermiaTode, Fungi Mecklenburgenses Selecti 1: 1 (1790). =PerisphaeriaRoussel (1806). ...
Genus name afterOgre-(French), in reference to the inferred feeding behaviour that included infant individuals, like the mythological creature from European folk tales; and –suchus, from the GreekSouchosmeaning crocodile. Species name afterfuratus,from the Latinfurarimeaning to be stolen, in refer...
Chess is both a game, and a sport! Here are ten ways that chess is a sport: 1. Chess is physically demanding. Chess players do not compete based on athletic prowess, but it is essential for elite chess players to be in excellent physical shape. Games between elite players often last 7...