A Poet's Epitaph Rating: ★3.1 Autoplay Art thou a Statist in the van Of public conflicts trained and bred? - First learn to love one living man; 'Then' may'st thou think upon the dead. A Lawyer art thou? - draw not nigh! Go, carry to some fitter place The keenness of that ...
Signs of the Dead: Epitaphs, Inscriptions, and the Discourse of the Self gravesite. In 1805, the poet attributed the discovery of Taylor's grave to chance as though he happened upon it. This version of the memory expresses uncertainty and, ironically, identifies chance as the agent of self...
歌手《Joan Baez》 - 专辑《Baptism:A Journey Through Our Time》 - 歌词《Epitaph For A Poet (C. Cullen)》 在线试听歌曲《Joan Baez - Epitaph For A Poet (C. Cullen)》暂无歌词!我来添加歌词分享歌词至: QQ空间 新浪微博 腾讯微博 QQ好友 百度贴吧 豆瓣网 百度空间 网易微博 更多 ...
Amirov: Azerbaijan Mugam (Leopold Stokowski, Houston Symphony Orchestra) Classic Records HDAD 2029 Wagner: Wotan's Fantasy, Chopin: Mazurka In A Minor; Thomas Canning's Fantasy (Thomas Canning, Leopold Stokowski,Houston Symphony Orchestra) Classic Records COL LEGNOWWE 1CD/DVD 20701 Sciarrino-La Bo...