关于宠物的诗歌 a poem about a pet11.所有动物中最聪明的the cleverest of all the animals12.追赶一个球catch up with a ball13.眼睛睁得很大eyes wide open14.玩精彩的把戏play a wonderful trick15.用树枝建造帐篷building tents out of branches16.从不乱叫或咬人never barks and bites17.照顾某人take ...
d An d I'll always tak e car e of him. e He's friendly.B3 Peter's favourit e pet is a goldfish. H e is telling Amy why h e likes his goldfish. R e a d th e poem about goldfish on pag e 94 again an d help him complet e his sentences. A goldfish isn't any (1) ...
Write a short poem about your pet. Use rhyming words at the end of the lines.___-e卷通组卷网
加粗的字是 rhyming [押韵的]The Lion adn the Zebra were walking along.The Lion was singing his favourite song.The Zebra asked why he sang it so loud.The Lion replied "It's because I am proud.My father is King of the Jungle you see!And that's why I'm taking you home f...
Pet Friend PoemPoem About A Mischievous Puppy I had been suffering with depression for some time, so my children decided it would be a good idea to get me a puppy to cheer me up and help me relax. How naive we all were to think that having a puppy to care for would be relaxing. ...
(第11行)B3 Peter's favourit e pet is a goldfish. H e is tellingAmy why h e likes his goldfish . R e a d th e poem aboutgoldfish on pag e 94 again an d help him complet e hissentences. a H e does amazing things.他做一些令人惊奇的事。 b H e can run after a ball an d...
Why couldn’t I bring myself to tell this boy about the magic that happens on the line? How much magic is reduced to talk of cents? Posted in Free Verse Poem, Social Commentary PoemTagged air dry, children, Climate Change, clothes, clothes line, curiosity, Poem, poems, poetry, quest...
Poem About Smiling Makes The World A Better Place At 96, I seldom get out anymore, but when I do, I like to people watch. It saddens me how to see the indifference that seems to be prevalent. I always try to smile at people, and usually the first response is surprise, then a ...
A Ben writes a poem about the seasons. Complete it with 'and'and 'X'.In spring, the weather is warm 1wet.I look at beautiful flowers with my2pet.In summer, the weather is 3sunny4hot.It is not a good season for hotpot!In autumn, the weather is windy 5cool.Daniel 6×May wait ...
I wrote this poem as a tribute to the eerie, mystic feeling which resides in the forests of old. This is my first poem with nature as a theme and I hope you think it's okay. Gabriel, 18, Sweden.