* Technically, what I had was what Regents College (now Excelsior U) called a “depth requirement” of 16 hours above frosh-level math. But people understand it better if I describe it as a minor. Posted in Education, Why I Do What I Do | 3 Comments In Which a Student Asks the ...
Nitikin "The Chemistry of Cellulose and Wood' Acad 73) Assignee: The Board of Regents of the emy of Sciences of the USSR, 1966, pp. 62-71. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Primary Examiner-Nathan M. Nutter Nebr. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Vincent L. Carney 展开 年份: 2017 ...
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These ‘more advanced college preparatory courses in high school’ include 10 other courses that have Regents exams including Geometry, Algebra II, Chemistry, Physics, US History, and Spanish. The minimum requirements for getting what is called ‘a Regents diploma’ in New York is one math Reg...
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— whose absolutely stunning document detailing the need for astronomy at A&M convinced our betters in the administration, [the Texas A&M System Board of] Regents, and now the THECB. The word “stunning” was not mine; it was used by Allan Mitchie, who was the staff member of the THE...
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