SDN BHD是指“私人有限公司”,单BHD一般指“公众有限公司”。 在马来西亚,企业一般注册为个人企业、合伙人企业或私人有限公司,其中以SDN BHD私人有限公司Zui为常见。如: CSP CORPORATION M ALAYSIABHD UNITED MS ELECTRICAL MFG(M) SDN BHD 除新加坡、文莱(马来语是两国正式语言)企业名称偶尔出现SDN BHD外,其他国家...
SDN系马来西亚语Sendirian的缩写,意即“私人”。 BHD系Berhad的缩写,意为“公司”。 SDN BHD是指“私人有限公司”,单BHD一般指“公众有限公司”。 在马来西亚,企业一般注册为个人企业、合伙人企业或私人有限公司,其中以SDN BHD私人有限公司为常见。如:
Mfy,是Manufacturing的简写,意思是制造业 GmbH,是德文Gesellschaft Mit Beschrankter Haftung的缩写,等于英文中的Limitedliability company,即“有限责任公司”。 除了德国之外,德语区包括奥地利、列支敦士登、瑞士、比利时和卢森堡等地的公司名称中也常出现GmbH。
Dedicated to playing our part in making this world a better place for all We committed to product quality that meets the stringent standards of pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers worldwide. We remain focused on delivering the highest quality products to our precious customer. ...
- Manufacturing 生产部门 - 与其他行业一样,药剂行业也有上中下游。如半导体股有上中下游,负责设计晶片的厂商把自己的设计授予专利后,假如产品迎合市场口味,就可以独吞市场占有率,赚取高利润。在大马的科技股高达 95% 以上都不属于上游企业具有设计的能力,但 AHEALTH 在药剂行业中却有设计,研究和开发新类型药物的...
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A Plus Auto Pte. Ltd. A&K Autoteile GmbH A-Belt-Lin Industrial Co., Ltd. A-KRAFT Tools Manufacturing Co., Ltd. A-N PARTS GLOW PLUGS A-One Parts Co., Ltd. A-Tech Solution Co., Ltd. A. Wendt GmbH A.B.S. All Brake Systems B.V. ...
2 (manufacturing) and then multiplied by the No. 3 (services), which equals the No. 6 industry. This highlights the shift toward an industry that encompasses processing to distribution, and the links among each are tightened to tie into the creation of agricultural goods with high added value...
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presented in extract. Highly purified Stevioside and Rebaudioside A possessing an improved taste profile and there is a need to provide an easy and commercially valuable process for the manufacturing the highly purified Stevioside and Rebaudioside A, and use thereof in various beverages and food produc...