More... Architectural Design Plus Architecture interior product Julio Torres Santana Principal Architectural Designer LEARN MORE Julio Torres Santana CONTACT| Tel: 617-453-8031 Thanks for submitting! Architectural Design Plus ...
Ocean Design奥迅设计创始人 罗海峰先生, 奥迅设计创始人。从事室内设计工作逾20年,于2013年创立个人品牌奥迅设计Ocean Design,专注于空间艺术设计领域,拥有集策略设计、施工落地以及软装艺术陈设于一体的完整产业链。公司屡获国内外奖项殊荣,并多次跻身中国室内设计企业百强榜前列以及中房协房地产服务商品牌测评设计类TOP10...
获奖者:十一室研 MinusPlus Design 119 项目名称:Human Haus Tn Clothing Store 获奖者:十一室研 MinusPlus Design 120 项目名称:Color Symphony Pavilion 获奖者:ELEMENTS圆方 Ho Wang Owen Lam and Pui Sze Kong for Elements 121 项目名称:Star Travel Tod Flat Residential House 获奖者:越秀地产 Tim Tan and...
栏目邀请多位设计师担任嘉宾,分享自己的「潮」生活观;用不同主题的空间,装搭彰显自我的个性「潮」屋;将热爱灌注细节,传递造诣社Aplus所倡导的全新潮流美学生活方式。 TOP 级设计师在线集结 SHOW 独特的潮流生活态度 OPEN 压箱底的设计搭配技巧 GET 家的装搭新灵感 分享嘉宾 罗海峰 Ocean Design奥迅设计创始人 罗...
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We’ll cover the details of all three types of A+ Content in this post, along with tips for effective design to win over customers and drive sales. Watch: Intro to A+ Content 8 tips for compelling A+ Content Create an immersive, multimedia experience that resonates with customers by follo...
Contact: +852 3165 8017 Unit A, 18/F Shing Hing Commercial Building, 21-27 Wing Kut Street, Central, Hong Kong Launch Project Ongoing Identity and Web Design: Mischmasch is our in house project: an online platform for artists and art collectors. Buy and sell ...
Design: patterns Design: simplicity Dev environment & tools Docker Documentation Dotfiles Editors & IDE Vim Email Engineering management Exercises Experimentation Functional programming (FP) Games development Graphics Hardware HTTP Humor Incident response (oncall, alerting, outages, firefighting, postmortem)...
Using professional web design features, you can generate revenue, nurture a community of fans and promote your brand online. So, what is web design (and what are the web design best practices) and how do you get started? We’ve got the knowledge you need to put you on the right ...
1.项目名称:A6Plus 公司:康佳 随着时代的发展,家庭对影音娱乐有了更高的追求。21:9的影院级画面比例,更能满足家庭的观影需求。搁板底座的设计拓展了电视的收纳功能。遥控器、3D眼镜、音响等相关物品可以更好的放置和收纳。2.项目名称:Nikolatesla Unplugged 公司:设计Fabrizio Crisà NikolaTesla不插电的灵感来自...