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AGConnectQuickLogin AGCAuthException iOS Classes Overview AGCAppleIDAuthProvider AGCAuth AGCAuthCredential AGCAuthError AGCEmailAuthProvider AGCFacebookAuthProvider AGCGoogleAuthProvider AGCPhoneAuthProvider AGCProfileRequest AGCWeiboAuthProvider AGCQQAuthProvider AGCWeiXinAuthPro...
AutoLayoutPlus - A bit of steroids for AutoLayout. Bamboo - Auto Layout (and manual layout) in one line. Cartography - Declarative auto layout lib for your project. Cassowary - A linear constraint solving library using the same algorithm as AutoLayout. Cupcake - An easy way to create and ...
These include XAML analysis, XAML generations, plus templates and helpers. mrlacey 570 61 RoundedTB Add margins, rounded corners and segments to your taskbars! torchgm 1582 62 ConfigureAwait Configure async code's ConfigureAwait at a global level Fody 349 63 NetFabric.Hyperlinq High performance ...
A note to our customers Adobe provides this searchable PDF of archived technical support documents as a service to our customers who own and continue to enjoy older, unsupported versions of our software products. The information in these documents is not updated, and will become increasingly less ...
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The app's model classes use Entity Framework Core (EF Core) to work with the database. EF Core is an object-relational mapper (O/RM) that simplifies data access. You write the model classes first, and EF Core creates the database....
For the first scenario, each database included 50 records and 3 different attributes (plus the class attribute); in the second scenario, the number of records was doubled and the number of attributes remained the same; while in the third scenario, 100 records and 5 different attributes were ...
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Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 and Mplus 8.0. In the first step, participants who dropped out before the end of the study and inattentive participants (i.e., those who failed more than one attention check) were excluded from all analyses. Next, we analyzed...