It is very plausible to restrict the solutions such that accepting some offer implies that all larger offers would be accepted as well. Even then, however, the number of Nash equilibria is too large to be applicable. Thus, the Nash equilibrium is a “weak” concept in the context of the ...
The strong down-regulation of pin expression might be a plausible explanation for the changes in the auxin gradient of ARF2aRNAi plants and the abundant axillary shoot development. Auxin accumulation is followed by the expression of the auxin transporter pin, which also mediates the first peri...
The strong down-regulation of pin expression might be a plausible explanation for the changes in the auxin gradient of ARF2aRNAi plants and the abundant axillary shoot development. Auxin accumulation is followed by the expression of the auxin transporter pin, which also mediates the first peri...
polar transport of auxin along the main plant body axes, and a model has been put forward, integrating early observations and suggesting a remarkably simple
A plausible model of phyllotaxis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2006, 103, 1301–1306. [CrossRef] 10. Stoma, S.; Lucas, M.; Chopard, J.; Schaedel, M.; Traas, J.; Godin, C. Flux-based transport enhancement as a plausible unifying mechanism for auxin transport in meristem development....
In the absence of empirical measures, as a first-order estimation, we shall make plausible assumptions regarding the aspiration levels of players in the discussed games. A point of harmony in an interaction is defined as an intersection point of strategies played by the interacting players, at ...
We consider two plausible possibilities: (1) the responder might aspire to receive half of the total amount; (2) he or she might aspire to receive an amount that equals the amount the proposer offers to keeps to himself or herself. Although at first sight, the two conjectures seem ...