porous solidscracksvoidsmodelsdeformation theory/ A4630J Viscoelasticity, plasticity, viscoplasticity, creep, and stress relaxationA plasticity theory is developed for a solid weakened by numerous cracks or voids. The treatment is completely isotropic and would be suitable whenever the voids are nearly ...
We present a double-yield-surface plasticity theory for transversely isotropic rocks that distinguishes between plastic deformation through the solid matrix and localized plasticity along the weak bedding planes. A recently developed anisotropic modified Cam-Clay model is adopted to model the plastic respon...
Elasto-plasticity of unsaturated soils: laboratory test results on a remoulded silt Soils Found (2006) R.I. Borja On the mechanical energy and effective stress in saturated and unsaturated porous continua Int J Solids Struct (2006) J.H. Prevost A simple plasticity theory for frictional cohesionles...
Plaster of Paris is a brittle, porous solid, easy to shape, which has potential as a model material for the study of brittle, porous, solids such as ceramics, rocks and cement. This paper describes the mechanical properties of plaster of Paris — modulus, strength, fracture toughness, etc....
The accuracy of the proposed numerical method is addressed through a comparison of the numerical results and the analytical solutions for the transient response of saturated porous solids. An elasto-plastic constitutive model based on the non-linear kinematic hardening rule is formulated to describe ...
Shin [4] and Goh [5] used MSW combustion on grates as a 1D fixed bed, which was treated as a continuous porous medium to establish a mathematical model. Based on previous research, the research team at Sheffield University developed a solid-phase combustion model for grates (FLIC for short...
model. Int J Plasticity 17(4):513–536 Barbe F, Decker L, Jeulin D, Cailletaud G (2001) Intergranular and intragranular behavior of polycrystalline aggregates. Part 2: results. Int J Plasticity 17(4):537–563 Belytschko T, Liu WK, Moran B (2000) Nonlinear finite elements for continua ...
Metamaterials composed of different geometrical primitives have different properties. Corresponding to the fundamental geometrical forms of line, plane, and surface, beam-, plate-, and shell-based lattice metamaterials enjoy many advantages in many aspec
Thermal Expansion Kinetics: Method to Measure Permeability of Cementitious Materials: I, Theory When a porous material that is saturated with liquid is heated, the liquid typically expands much more than the solid phase; if the permeability is high, t... GW Scherer - 《Journal of the American...
(2019b) integrated the cohesive model in the DLSM for the crack propagation of quasi-brittle materials, only damage mechanics was studied, i.e., plastic deformation and frictional interaction were not considered. Recently, several CDPMs coupled with damage mechanics and plasticity theory have been...