whose Fox Kids block aired Power Rangers at the time, wanted a character younger than a teenager to be a Power Ranger. Also, the script had to go through a lot of rewrites due to many factors (one of them being David Yost leaving the show, as it was planned to have Billy create the...
'Together we are more.' That's the simple tagline on the first teaser poster for Saban's highly anticipated TV adaptationPower Rangers, which hit theaters next year. We don't get to see this team of superheroes in their costumes just yet. But we do find this group of 5 wayward high ...
Charlotte is a fashion designer creating her own wedding dress while delivering costumes for the bridal party of an Indian wedding. It’s an arranged marriage and the bride-to-be, who is now staying in Charlotte’s fashion design studio, is having doubts. Scott her fiancé, is locked up in...
Look, girls have a lot to offer when it comes to the world of nudes. Our bodies are sexy and we’ve got a lot of different parts to work with. Guys just have their junk. And you know what? It looks the same in every picture. No matter how you prop it, it’s a wiener. I ...
I ran to autograph room after that to get a picture with Allan Henry, who chatted with me a little bit and agreed to be interviewed on MIFV. (Score!) He’s a great guy to talk to and a huge nerd, himself. Finally, we got to the stacked panel that I expected to be one of the...
Everyone, young and old, can relive the magic of being a child.Ralphie's vibrant imagination and inventiveness in his ploys to seduce his parents into buying him the ultimate gift are "pinch-his-chubby-cheeks" adorable. And Randy...need I say anything?? He is the perfect picture of the...
These are boys in Viking costumes. The helmets, beards, and shields are made from cardboard. 65. This unicorn always likes to show her rainbow tail. The mane and tail are both made out of tulle. And yes, she’s also wearing a horn and a pink tutu. 66. This boy will bulldoze to ...
Sometimes, Waddle Dees can be seen with Costumes on. Stationary pink Waddle Dee dummies made from candy also appear on the Home Table, in Free Rolling, and in the waiting room for Online Mode. Free Rolling also has a singular large Waddle Dee dummy, which is green in appearance. ...
There she opened El Rincón [“the hidden corner”, in Spanish] to showcase jewelry, costumes, and artifacts acquired from continued trading. When the bookstore owners vacated the trading post building, Rowena moved back into the larger space and added a museum. The name El Rincón remained....
Honorable Mention: A subplot in the comedy 'Role Models' involves Anson (Seann William Scott) bonding with the younger Ronnie (Bobb'e J. Thompson) over Kiss, including wearing the band's costumes. At the end, Danny (Paul Rudd) sings "Beth" to his ex-girlfriend of the same name (Eliza...