Livingstone reported the death of a little girl in Mozambique caused by an enormous snake that dashed at the child, bit her, and made off into a hole. This snake was known as Bubu to the people of the area, and they describe it as twelve feet long, dark with a dirty blue color unde...
‘Consider the lilies.. yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these’ words from Jesus lips, found in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:28) in his discourse on worry and perspectives. They appear to do nothing, but simply shine with their beauty, being what they ...
Every year when I make this, I realize how much I love human faces — so I posted the best picture of each person I could find, (and sometimes more than one depending on their brilliance!) Some of these people I’ve never heard of, as I’m sure you haven’t also. And there is...
never forget the story of Jesus, the hero was killed by the state You’re not the boss of me now Bitches love me because they know I can rock I know I’m young, but if I had to choose her or the sun I’d be one nocturnal son of a gun Life is what happens to you while you...
Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth,but most Christians observe Christmas on December 25.On this day,many go to church,where they take part in special religious services.During the Christmas season,they also ...
"The birthday of Jesus." But what is the meaning of the birth of some guy named Jesus? What is the significance of the birth of that guy? This website says something very controversial. Nobody agrees with it. The whole world disagrees with it. Are you ready? (You already know what ...
Good Friday: The atoning death of Jesus Christ April 18th, 2025 √ Hanuman Jayanti: Birth of Hanuman (the monkey god) April 12th, 2025 Optional holiday Eid al-Fitr: Festival of Breaking of the Fast March 30th, 2025 √ Buddha Jayanti: Gautama Buddha's birthday May 12th, 2025 √ Ratha Ya...
"Oh f**k my d**k hole... Jesus, sorry." (n e v e r. b e e n. t h i s. t e r r i f i ed.) "F**k off Chica. I'm trying to sleep, you're ugly. You've always been ugly. You look bad in a bikini." (n e v e r. b e e n. t h i s. t e r r...
As many have said in the past, and continue to say during this time of year, “Christ is the reason for the season.”There are two very special links for you in this post regarding the birth of Jesus Christ. His Word podcasts are all under 5 minutes, BUT, I have combined four past...
Bette A. Stevens is the author/illustrator of award-winning picture bookAmazing Mailda, A Monarch’s Tale. Here’s what two readers have to say: “A beautiful message of love, patience, perseverance, and belief. The story is told with a frog, bird, rabbit, and the butterfly as the ma...