Hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to formate was achieved by molecular copper catalysts for the first time. In the cover picture, the gate made of copper is opened by a DBU molecule, inviting carbon dioxide and molecular hydrogen into the gate. It implies that the combination of copper and DBU ...
Ozonation did not significantly mineralize the organic matter however the performance of the system can be increased by consecutive use of ozonation and biodegradation as ozonation generates a molecule with lower molecular weight favoring metabolism of the organic species present by microorganism and their...
It would seem that this experiment revealed the whole picture of aqueous chlorination of hydrocarbons. However, the subsequent studies have shown that the situation is much more complicated. Theoretically, radical reactions with saturated compounds are really unlikely under conditions of aqueous chlorination...
Green hydrogen produced by water splitting using renewable electricity is essential to achieve net-zero carbon emissions. Present water electrolysis technologies are uncompetitive with low-cost grey hydrogen produced from fossil fuels, limiting their sca
Most plants split water molecules to generate energy, and now we have a clearer picture of exactly how they do it.
The six species of lungfish possess both lungs and gills and are the closest extant relatives of tetrapods. Here, we report a single-cell transcriptome atlas of the West African lungfish (Protopterus annectens). This species manifests the most extreme fo
This review contains a survey of recent literature on the mechanisms and application of microalgae in carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. It highlights areas of active research in the field, such as progress made in the bio-capture of carbon dioxide, the conversion of this into energy using...
A relevant photolithographic technique is stereolithography (SLA) which is a fast method with excellent resolution and improved cell viability. In SLA, a liquid-based biomaterial containing a photoinitiator molecule is continuously exposed to a laser beam (UV or visible light). The incoming light and...
Every protein that was detected was included regardless of how low the expression counts were, with the exception of highly polymorphic proteins such as HLA-A. Second, we added all proteins with a designated CD number as of the 10th human cell differentiation molecule workshop56. The amino ...
Electrocatalytic nanocarbon (EN) is a class of material receiving intense interest as a potential replacement for expensive, metal-based electrocatalysts for energy conversion and chemical production applications. The further development of EN will requi