Photograph (A) and interpretative outline drawing (B) of sauropod trackway segment QJDILL.Lida XingJianping ZhangMartin G. LockleyRichard T. McCreaHendrik KleinLuis AlcaláLisa G. BuckleyMichael E. BurnsSusanna B. KümmellQing He
把光(photo, φως)影给画下来(graphein,γράφω),就得到了相片 (photograph),那个照相片的装置叫照相机。到照相馆里去照相片的年代,相机是稀罕物,记录影像的材料也是稀罕物,因此照相是尽可能照脸的,只为了求得能和人联系起来的面相,故那时人的ph...
Q Living in low a and trying to become a photographer specializing in landscape(风景) can be quite a challenge, mainly because the corn state lacks geographical variation.Although landscapes in the Midwest tend to be quite similar, either farm fields or highways,sometimes I find distinctive charac...
既往有高血压、高血脂病史10年,3小时前胸骨后压榨样疼痛发作,伴呕吐、冷汗及濒死感而入院。患者曾含服硝酸甘油疼痛未缓解,心电图示:Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联可见ST段抬高,病理性Q波。心肌酶谱示:血清肌酸激酶升高,体检:神清,合作,心率112次/分,律齐,交替脉,诊断为急性下壁心肌梗死。 该患者目前首要护理...
Photographisches objektiv A photographic lens
An apparatus and a method for taking a panoramic photograph are provided. While a lens of the apparatus is rotated, an angular velocity sensor such as a gyroscope outputs an angular velocity and calculates therefrom a rotation angle of t... ...
C: I'm going to attach a photograph of the windows that is a problem. Also attaching a photo of a crack that has developed at the corner of the garage. The windows are my main concern right now but if you have a suggestion about the crack I'd love hear that too. ...
a, Transfer characteristics of monolayer qHP C60 transistors. Inset is a schematic of the device. b, Output characteristics of the device in a. Extended Data Fig. 6 Environment stability (a, b) and thermal stability (c) of the exfoliated qHP C60. a, b, Photograph of exfoliated qHP C60...
A photograph of one packaged laser is shown on the right. e shows an illustration of a miniaturized heterodyne synthesizer package under development, consisting of a pair of self-injection-locked lasers, fast photodiodes, and 1.0 mm coaxial outputs. f plots the output microwave spectrum when ...
After we found a crazy-looking road that hung over a bunch of rocks, we decided to photograph the scene at sunset. The position enabled us to look over the lake with the sunset in the background. We managed to leave this spot to climb higher because of the spare time until sunset. ...