children more born there, and by a second wife ten more, in all seventeen; of which I remember thirteen sitting at one time at his table, who all grew up to be men and women, and married; I was the youngest son, and the youngest child but two, and was born in Boston, New ...
There was a pier-glass between the windows of the room. Perhaps you have seen a pier-glass in an $8 flat. A very thin and very agile person may, by observing his reflection in a rapid sequence of longitudinal strips, obtain a fairly accurate...
I looked up the meaning in an oxford dictionary a long time ago, and it describes my whole family—”Stoic-a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.” I have discovered this is not the virtue I once thought. I struggle silently and rarely ask ...
catch up:叙旧柯林斯英语释义:If you catch up on friends who you have not seen for some time or on their lives, you talk to them and find out what has happened in their lives since you last talked together. 例句:The ladies spent some time catching up on each other's health and families...
We sincerely thank you for your continued support of our ministry! May every seed of faith you have sown return to your life multiplied a hundredfold. May God bless you abundantly and help you in all things! We believe in a God who believes in people. Let’s turn to Judges, chapter 6...
also became strong also believed in tran also brings a green also building the str also called fenyang v also called natal yea also crops up also decline steadily also diligent also for also for newborn babi also have good also known as chestnu also love shandong me also magical also not...
and with his hardroug and with it and with me all who k and with more thinkin and with personificat and with relative sta and without electrici and without killings and without polymorph and wondered what tha and word order fluent and word structure and written another s and wu have fun...
4.原文:The ignorant old woman who ruled for the entire last half of the nineteenth century did more than any other single person to hold back China's progress.(Lin Yutang:Moment in Peking) 译文:那个愚蠢无知的老太婆统治了十九世纪后五十年,使中国不能进步,她可算功劳第一。(张振玉译) ...
catch up:叙旧柯林斯英语释义:If you catch up on friends who you have not seen for some time or on their lives, you talk to them and find out what has happened in their lives since you last talked together. 例句:The ladies spent some time catching up on each other's health and ...
Key: Satan considers that “To bow and sue for grace/ With suppliant knee, and deify his power/ Who from the terror of this arm so late/ Doubted his empire—that were low indeed” is “ignominy and shame”. That is, he thinks that it is shameful to bow to God to ...