Known for its lively, clear prose as well as its scholarly research, A People's History of the United States is the only volume to tell America's story from the point of view of — and in the words of — America's women, factory workers, African-Americans, Native Americans, working po...
内容提示: A People’s History of the United States13. The Socialist ChallengeWar and jingoism might postpone, but could not fully suppress, the class anger that came from the realities of ordinary life. As thetwentieth century opened, that anger reemerged. Emma Goldman, the anarchist and ...
通读全文查看四本书的出版时间,A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn第一句“Published in 1980, (出版于1980年)”;Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee第一句“Published in 1975, (在1975年出版)”;The Courage to Write by Ralph Keyes最后一句“Originally published in 1995, The ...
A People's History of the United States 8.9分 全部书评 (7) 值得买的美国通史 基本上是唯一一部值得买的美国通史。但最好的读法不是一次读完,而是对照着时期慢慢读。而且读者最好已经具备美国历史的基本知识,读来才有趣。就好比从中学课本中学习... 12 有用 毁三观的历史书之一 首先,读这本书之前最...
两个多月读完Howard Zinn的《A People's History of the United States》(中文有霍华德·津恩《美国人民的历史》,上海人民出版社,许先春译,2001年出版),本来想写一篇完整的读后感,但在看了王缉思《<美国人民的历史>序》之后,感觉不能超过,就只谈一点他人没有谈到的想... (展开) ...
通读全文查看四本书的出版时间,A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn第一句Published in 1980, (出版于1980年);Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee第一句Published in 1975, (在1975年出版);The Courage to Write by Ralph Keyes最后一句Originally published in 1995,The Courage to Write...
我最近在读一本书,书的作者是Howard Zinn,书名叫做,A People's History of the United States(美国人民历史)。我觉得书写的很好,有些书里面的章节写的十分精彩和深邃,很多人对美国很感兴趣,我想书里的内容应该也在知乎是有读者的。既然我自己没有办法回答问题,我想把一些书里的段落分享出来,并且提供这些内容的...
著作颇丰。代表作为《美国人民的历史》(A People's History of the United States),试图从美国下层人民、弱势群体的视角和社会活动挖掘“另类”史料,考察美国的历史和传统。 2010年1月27日因心脏病于加州圣莫尼卡去世。 《美国人民的历史》是一部反主流的美国史著作。作者是波士顿大学资深教授,作者一改传统的历史记述...
当当中图上海进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《现货 原版 A People's history of the united states 美国人民的历史》。最新《现货 原版 A People's history of the united states 美国人民的历史》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在,网购《现货 原版
193 p. Duke UnivPress Time-Fetishes The Secret History of Eternal Recurrence Ned Lukacher Jul 1998 238 p. Emerald Group Publishing Human Rights and Media DIANA PAPADEMAS Mar 2011 156 p. Harvard UnivPress Remembering the Future Luciano Berio May 2006 关于...