安装一个软件时,反复重启也无法解除"Setup has detected a pending system reboot from a previous install, Setup Cannot continue until the machine is rebooted. Please reboot the machine and run the installation again."的提示,安装无法进行。 引起的原因 One potential trigger was the installation of Logite...
Setuphasdetectedapendingsystemrebootfromaprev。。。安装⼀个软件时,反复重启也⽆法解除"Setup has detected a pending system reboot from a previous install, Setup Cannot continue until the machine is rebooted. Please reboot the machine and run the installation again."的提⽰,安装⽆法进⾏。引...
简介:安装一个软件时,反复重启也无法解除"Setup has detected a pending system reboot from a previous install, Setup Cannot continue until the machine is rebooted. Please reboot the machine and run the installation again."的提示,安装无法进行。 安装一个软件时,反复重启也无法解除"Setup has detected a ...
1.在windows运行里输入regedit打开注册表 2.查找并删除路径下HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/的PendingFileRenameOperations文件
安装CCS5.5提示rebootpending安装不成功 本人近期在使用omapl138这款片子,安装ccs5.5win32 的时候出现每次点击安装文件就提示rebootpending,点击继续后安装到一半就提示需要重启计算机才可以完成安装,但是重启 新台式机安装ccsv5.5失败 [tr]新台式机,刚刚装完windows8.1专业版系统。未安装任何杀毒软件,将系统自带的defender关...
我今天重装系统后,再装SAP时也遇到这样了的问题,现在解决了 WIN+R键,输入regedit,进入注册表,在注册表中删除:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations
在安装CCS9.2.0.00013时,一直提示There is a pending reboot.Please reboot your machine before continuing。这个怎么解决 If you have a related question, please click the "Ask a related question" button in the top right corner. The newly created question will be...
总是提示 Pending Reboot Check -> There is a pending reboot, Please reboot your machine before ...
Reboot your computer once and let the pending process complete. See if you can runSystem File Checkernow. If you can, then the matter is resolved, and that’s good for you. 2] Delete the pending.xml file If you continue to receive this message, navigate to the following folder: ...
Usually this happens when DDU check if there is a reboot pending because of a Windows Update. If you are 100% sure nothing is waiting to be installed, you coul try to remove this subkey : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired DDU...