a flat cracker representing the food that the escaping Israelites ate, and delicious desserts that my older kids can make for themselves. There are instructions for how to set up your seder table, which Haggadah or Passover story to read for different...
The Passover haggadah, which we will all soon be reading with our children, as generations before us have done, was compiled during the first and second centuries, during one of the most difficult periods in the history of the Jewish people. Jews faced the loss of political independence, th...
The 4 questions: traditionally, the youngest child recites the “4 questions,” which cover the basics of why Passover is special and important. Print the Haggadah The Haggadah is the book that guides participants through the Seder. The word Haggadah means “telling,” as it tells the stor...
Food & Wine's Lucy Simon shares recipes, tips, and expert advice for hosting a memorable Passover meal, with better brisket, a simple Seder plate, and make-ahead matzo balls.
services, the first fully-integrated and globally sourced LGBTQ Passover Haggadah, a city- wide Transgender Jewish calendar of events, and the JQ Warmline, the first national one- stop LGBTQ Jewish hotline offering resources and social service referrals to LGBTQ Jews, their families, and allies...
DON’T MISS THIS!I’m introducing afreebies pageto this site. You will want to bookmark that page and check back often. The first freebie is thisMessianic Passover Haggadah. FREE MESSIANIC PASSOVER HAGGADAH This free and reproducible 25-page Messianic Haggadah is written in easy-to-underst...
Back in October 2015, I had the immense privilege of traveling to Venice to make art forThe New Venice Haggadah. In 2016, Venice, Italy, was to mark the 500th anniversary of the formation of the Jewish Ghetto in Venice, the first ghetto in Europe, founded during Passover in 1516. To...
All of which brings us to the Passover Haggadah, and the story we tell about ourselves this year. * The rabbinic celebration of Passover began centuries before book culture. With no written text to fall back on, whatever got said at the seder was made up on the spot – following, ho...
Chad Gadya from the Szyk HaggadahThe Jewish seder ceremonial on Passover evening is impossible to contemplate without the concluding madrigal, Chad Gadya (“Just One Goat”). It is neither solemn nor hymnal. It is a lively and popular folksong and its tempo accelerates ...
Softly, we pass over wounds, like purposeful gauze, a hint of relief, an aspirin. O little light in me, don’t die, even if all the galaxies of the world close in. O little light in me, say: Enter my heart in peace. All of you, come in!