这种时候,你很有可能就是收到了对方的“被动攻击”(passive-aggressive behavior)。这是一种“敌意”的不直接的表达,有时通过拖延对你的回应,有时通过顽固不化,有时通过反复地、故意地在本应由ta负责的事情上犯错、失败。我们今天要讨论的就是,当被动型攻击的人处于一段亲密关系中,以及作为伴侣的你应该如何应对...
Passive-Aggressive Behavior Is Useless In A StartupBrad Feld
Withholding communication or affection is a common type of passive-aggressive behavior. For example, rather than expressing anger outwardly, your partner may refuse to talk to you when they’re upset. If you or your partner have a pattern of withholding affection or communication or withdrawi...
Understanding the “why” of the behavior matters There are different flavors of passive-aggressive behavior and different psychological impulses behind them. It often comes from a place of fear or lack of confidence. It can especially get complicated if the passive-aggressive individual has developed...
purity and goodness but once given a taste of power, quickly abuses that power. The fanatic impresses people with their drive and dedication but fail to deliver on what they promise. The passive aggressive charmer will be overly nice on initial interactions but gossips behind the backs of ...
When we hear the term “aggressive,” we probably imagine physical attacks or someone who is verbally harsh. While this is a direct form of aggression, passive aggressive behavior is simply indirect aggression. Rather than confronting an issue head-on, passive aggressive people will use covert be...
Under the right set of circumstances, just about anyone could be drawn to procrastinate, argue, criticize or feel as if she's a victim of injustice. For passive-aggressive personalities, however, this is a well-ingrained habit and daily ritual that can m
By mastering these skills you will never again be a victim to passive aggressive behavior. You can finally free yourself of the emotional roller-coaster ride you've been on; you can learn to trust yourself again as a person with emotional strength, and you can feel, once and for all, tru...
Aggressive people are go-getters. They are the first to speak and the first to claim a seat at the table. They aren’t afraid to tell you their worth, even if they are exaggerating. While passive and aggressive people are quite different, they can balance each other. If he or she isn...