1-2k gems, and 1 Fruit Spin with boosted luck. -> Note: Every 30 Minutes an “attempt” occurs. The event has a 20% chance of spawning from an attempt. If the number of attempts reach 4 times with no spawn then a guaranteed spawn will happen. ...
and make it into a game where the player has to make moral decisions, such as between sacrificing 1 loved one or 1000 strangers, and play out multiple scenarios like this one where you roleplay as possibly a different person each time. ...
The game tries to evoke some emotion from its story by reuniting Shadow with his lost loved ones (again, due to being placed outside of time), but whereas the movie Sonic the Hedgehog 3 brought literal tears to my eyes, the story and execution of Shadow Generations’ story doesn’t reson...
So yes. Telly represents all that’s wrong for the privacy of viewers about the current media landscape. But who knows, it might just spawn a hacking scene all of its own. As a final note we think that they’ll have an interesting time protecting their brand name if they ever enter th...
Are you that bad at the game to where you honestly believe that FOOD of all things... is hard to come by in winter? Winter is literally easier than autumn to obtain food in. The food (pengulls) LITERALLY COMES TO YOU. One single piece of meat from ANY source an...
Besides, I haven’t seen one in a very long time. 19. Dale Cooper just needs his cup of coffee. Though what goes on at Twin Peaks is at a whole other level. Say hi to the log lady for me. 20. Wonder Woman always knows how to kick ass. She’s an Amazon demigoddess who can ...
and her ease at operating a washing machine and clothes dryer. She says that even though she thought I was being mean at the time when I began making her do things for herself, she’s now glad that she possesses those skills. Hers was alsothe room that had everything needed to solve ...
Margaret will call you a witch, denounce you as Satan spawn, and try to kill you. Is it any wonder that Carrie goes nuts with her supernatural powers and blows up the school during prom? 6. Mrs. Bates From: Psycho The Problem: Well, she’s technically dead by the time the movie ...
We see this all the time. 89. INT. HOSPITAL. WARD. DAY The NURSE motions for ZHENYA to follow her and enters the ward, walled in by partitions. One of the two beds inside is unoccupied. The NURSE stops by the other bed, in which a boy is lying, facing the wall with the blanket...
Not to mention, she prefers to spawn minor demonic monsters to do her dirty work. Still, we’re not sure whether she cared for her offspring or just wanted them out of her. Also bore a lot of children with her own kids (like Uranus) and descendants. Patron City: None. Symbols: ...