像a school of fish 这样的组合被称为 collective nouns,非常有趣。 而且英文里的这个特殊的“量词”往往跟动物的某种特性有关,比如: 一群乌鸦:a murder of crows 因为乌鸦被视为不祥之鸟,哪儿有乌鸦,哪儿就可能会有死亡(比如谋杀),所以murder一词把乌鸦“不祥之兆”的特征体现出来了。 一群犀牛:a crash of...
4. “a/an”: collective nounsExamplesa flock of birds; a group of church-goers; a herd of horses; 5. “a/an”: units of measurementExamplesa bar of soap; a grain of salt; a piece of luggage; 6. “an/an”: a noun with a specific noun impliedUsually “0” Article is applied ...
为什么英语描述一群乌鸦( a group of crows)的集合量词是murder (谋杀)这个单词呢?你是不是很奇怪,为什么英文有这么多集合量词 (collective nouns)?尤其是"一群鱼",英文里叫做"a school of fish"?是鱼群的学校吗?还是一群鱼像去上学?在接下来的几期中我会一一为大家分享。 *原文由本人远传并发布于英国外教所...
school和pride在这些用法中都属于集合名词,collective nouns。 集合名词是英语中一个极具魅力的部分,它们用于描述特定的人群、动物群体或事物集合。 这些独特的词汇不仅丰富了语言表达,还增添了一种诗意美感。 从“a pride of lions(骄傲的狮子,指狮群)”到“an intrigue of kittens”(小猫的阴谋,指一群顽皮的小猫)...
Colorful Collective Nouns "Many noncount nouns have an equivalent countable expression using such words aspieceorbit(partitiveorcollectivenouns) followed by of: Luck: a piece of luck Grass: a blade of grass Bread: a loaf of bread Venereal Nouns ...
Which of the following nouns is a collective noun?A.ChinaB.policeC.waterD.artist正确答案:police 点击查看答案进入小程序搜题你可能喜欢Choose the appropriate verb in brackets to fill in the blank.He or I ()(am/is/are) going to answer the question. 点击查看答案进入小程序搜题...
you may have heard of a school of fish, a pack of wolves, a pride of lions, but you have ever come across a shrewdness of apes, a confusion of wildebeests 角马 说到这里,就要说到一个概念了-集合名词 collective nouns. It refers to a group of people or things, 指代一群人,一群物。...
2. Collective noun A noun used to refer to a group of individuals, animals, or things as a single unit is called a collective noun.It shows a grouping of similar things. Collective nouns are a type of singular noun but they represent a plurality of items. ...
Examples:aherdof cows, alitterof kittens, aprideof lions, aschoolof fish, amurderof crows, aclowderof cats, aclanof hyenas, aflamboyance(yes, really!) of flamingos Things We also use collective nouns to refer to groups of things. Depending on the word, a collective noun can refer to ...
A prickle of hedgehogs snuffle around,as a lounge of lizards sleep on the ground. 图片发自简书App A sliver of sharks swim quick as can be,as a bed of clams lie still under sea. 图片发自简书App A cackle of hyenas sing out of key,as a troop of mankeys hide in the tree. ...