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I’d prefer hotel with “split AC” / dedicated AC unit (because the filter can be cleaned).I’ve had many problems with hotel with Central AC facility – in many cases I fell sick, probably because its AC filter can only be cleaned by its vendor / technician.Also if there’s carpet...
Social dual-role relationships during internship: A decision-making model Burian, Barbara K; Ann O’Connor Slimp. Professional Psychology : Research and Practice 31.3(Jun 2000):332-338 https://tinyurl.com/y4jqtf53 * Internship and consulting engagements: Management of the university’s liability ...
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18. Palizban, O.; Kauhaniemi, K. Hierarchical control structure in microgrids with distributed generation: Island and grid-connected mode. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2015, 44, 797–813. [CrossRef] Energies 2017, 10, 41 20 of 20 19. Justo, J.J.; Mwasilu, F.; Lee, J.; Jung, ...
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