案例参考:胰腺癌 A novel protein RASON encoded by a lncRNA controls oncogenic RAS signaling in KR...
案例参考:胰腺癌 A novel protein RASON encoded by a lncRNA controls oncogenic RAS signaling in KR...
A novel protein RASON encoded by a lncRNA controls oncogenic RAS signaling in KRAS mutant cancers. Cell Res. 33, 30–45 (2023). PubMed CAS Google Scholar Masugi, Y. The desmoplastic stroma of pancreatic cancer: multilayered levels of heterogeneity, clinical significance, and therapeutic ...
A novel protein RASON encoded by a lncRNA controls oncogenic RAS signaling in KRAS mutant cancers Article Open access 14 October 2022 The level of oncogenic Ras determines the malignant transformation of Lkb1 mutant tissue in vivo Article Open access 29 January 2021 CtBP modulates Snail-media...
Human Aurora kinases contain three domains: an N-terminal domain (39–139 amino acids), a protein kinase domain (250–300 amino acids), and a short C-terminal domain (15–20 amino acids) [7]. The N-terminal domain shares the least sequence homology and is mainly involved in protein-prot...
Rasonyi T, Schlatter J, Dietrich DR: The role of alpha2u-globulin in ochratoxin A induced renal toxicity and tumors in F344 rats. Toxicol Lett. 1999, 104 (1–2): 83-92. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Mantle PG, Nagy JM: Binding of ochratoxin A to a urinary globulin: a new co...
一、胰腺癌 A novel protein RASON encoded by a lncRNA controls oncogenic RAS signaling in KRAS ...
Sos was predominantly through the NSH3 domain (Fig.2c). These data confirm that under stimulated conditions in cells where both protein isoforms are present, there is likely to be competition between the NSH3 domains of both Grb2 and Grb3-3 for binding to sites on the C-terminus of Sos...
pMClSeiTcs rRuosBibontitgoamlaacBnoadmctCemrSiTaugRnDUitpNywAaenrMeaialnynisaKilysitz. e(WdTbahtyseopmnyriBcorisooetbqeiucahelnnccooimlnoggm.ieuTsno, itItanilecs.g,eoSnfhoCamnSgMichEaDiR)NCaMAcZc,woCradSsiMnexgEttRroaActnhtoedede,mfCraSonMmufEaaRclltcuastraheomrde's-, instructions and assessed...