Ben-Haim Y.A non-probabilistic concept of reliability.Structural Safety. 1994Ben-Haim Y. A non-probabilistic concept of reliability [ J ]. Structural Safety, 1994, 14(4) :227-245.Y. Ben-Haim. A non-probabilistic concept of reliability. Structural Safety, 14(4):227-245, 1994....
The outline of this paper is presented as follows: Section 2 introduces the basic concept of the non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization. Then, the proposed method is described in detail in Section 3. Using a mathematical example, a ten truss structure, a welded beam and a stiff...
The idea of probabilistic q-rung orthopair linguistic neutrosophic (P-QROLN) is one of the very few reliable tools in computational intelligence. This paper explores a significant breakthrough in nanotechnology, highlighting the introduction of nanoparti
A non-exhaustive, but useful taxonomy of algorithms in modern Model-Based RL. We simply divide Model-Based RL into two categories: Learn the Model and Given the Model. Learn the Model mainly focuses on how to build the environment model. Given the Model cares about how to utilize the learn...
This thesis deals essentially with the new probabilistic design approach, which bas largely replaced the classical deterministic point of view. The latter is based upon the concept of a factor of safety, while the probabilistic approach is based upon the criterion of structural reliability. Structural...
2023: "SyzDescribe: Principled, Automated, Static Generation of Syscall Descriptions for Kernel Drivers" [paper] [slides] 2023: "Precise Detection of Kernel Data Races with Probabilistic Lockset Analysis" [paper] 2023: "No Grammar, No Problem: Towards Fuzzing the Linux Kernel without System-Call...
Federated learning (FL) is a promising framework for distributed machine learning that trains models without sharing local data while protecting privacy. F
The interval nonprobabilistic reliability was defined as the minimum distance from the origin point to the failure surface in the standard normal space, which is the key index for describing the ability of a system to tolerate the variation of uncertain parameters. The proposed method was used to...
(Step 5) to analyze the reliability of the system and predict the system's functional capacity of UMPs compared to the non-redundant design condition. The framework will predict whether the system's reliability satisfies the safety requirements for the operation of UMP; i.e., obtaining the ...
This is similar to the statistical concept of nuisance parameters. Fixed hyperparameters will have their values fixed in the current round of experiments. These are hyperparameters whose values do not need to (or we do not want them to) change when comparing different values of the scientific ...