Revisited (歌词版) - Sheer Heart At 03:51 Death on Two Legs (歌词版) - A Night At The Opera[1080P] 04:04 Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon (歌词版) - A Night At The Opera[ 01:16 I_'m In Love With My Car - A Night At The Opera 03:16 You_'re My Best Friend - A ...
之后BBC分别在2004和2006年做了The Story of Bohemian Rhapsody(youtube有英字)以及The Making of A Night at the Opera(B站有双语字幕)。我感觉三部凑在一起,加上传记之类的文字。大概对当时的录音技术和录制过程有了更直观的了解了吧。几天之后我又看了一部关于Bohemian Rhapsody纪录片,但这次是同名电影混音相...
給你們的 遲到的敬意 在我還是小蘿莉的時候就聽過We will rock you,那強烈的節奏和——對我那個年齡來說有些驚悚的——Rock風,讓我在之後很長一段時間把Queen和怪蜀黍畫上等號……直到又有一次,因緣際會,聽到Bohemian Rhapsody,我才知道Queen可以是什麽樣子,或者說Queen應該是什麼樣子。技術上的,不用再多說了...
YouTube The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers Monday, Jan 13: Steffy’s Bold Move, Hope Suspects, Poppy’s Bomb 1/11/2025 by Amandah Hancen Celebrating The Soaps ‘The Bold And The Beautiful’ Recap Friday, Jan 10: Donna Spies, Ridge’s Move-In Idea, Katie’s Support ...
I tested one of the failed videos with opera://media-internals info. It gave these 4 errors: render_id: 9 player_id: 3 created: 2024-07-14 10:45:34.377763 UTC origin_url: kFrameUrl:*** kFrameTitle: *** - YouTube url:...
The Christmas concert (24th December) in the famous West London venue was the culmination of the 26-date ‘Queen invite you to A Night At The Opera’ UK tour of 1975. The show was originally broadcast on BBC 2 and BBC Radio 1, although the TV crew clearly didn’t understand about enc...
2021 《Somehow You Do》- Reba McEntire - 出自《Four Good Days》(美好的四天) 04:11 2021 《Down To Joy》 - New Van Morrison recording - 出自《Belfast》(贝尔法斯特) 03:41 2020《Speak Now》 - Leslie Odom Jr. - 出自《One Night in Miami.》(迈阿密的一夜) ...
extension (for iOS 15 and higher). This makes the web experience on all websites more enjoyable and with some useful YouTube customization options. Such as the Night Mode, YouTube AutoHD (where you can choose the video quality for the video player), Mouse Volume Scroll, Atmosphere Lighting...
From:A Night at the Opera(1975) Brian Mayof Queen contains multitudes. When he's not ripping a guitar solo, you might find him studying Einstein's theory of relativity or consulting with NASA. In 1975, May had not yet earned his PhD in astrophysics, but he found a way to combine his...
Soul II Soul - A Dreams A Dream (A Night At The Opera Mix) (1990) 33 人观看 3年前 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Cámara Jovi 126个粉丝 Blocked in the Fucking Youtube 其它视频 4:55 Ewan McVicar - Groove Thang 9 人观看 4:06 Supermode x September - Tell Me Why I Cry Fo...