阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A night atthe movies is always a good id
(5分)A Night at the MoviesBeyond the MoonA flight to space gets into trouble. A team of 14 save the astronauts and the spaceship.AM=BCstran'sincos^2 It's about a cat that can talk. If you like jokes and 15 situations, you will like the movie.San FranciscoA girl works hard and ...
亚伦·史维斯查,美国电影配乐作曲家、指挥家,因《阿甘正传 Forrest Gump》获得奥斯卡金像奖、金球奖和格莱美提名。在本首乐曲中可以听到他配乐的电影:复仇者联盟、极地特快、 博物馆惊魂夜、阿甘正传、回到未来这几部电影的音乐旋律。 Film composer Alan Silvestri has penned some of the most distinctive and memora...
亚伦·史维斯查,美国电影配乐作曲家、指挥家,因《阿甘正传 Forrest Gump》获得奥斯卡金像奖、金球奖和格莱美提名。在本首乐曲中可以听到他配乐的电影:复仇者联盟、极地特快、 博物馆惊魂夜、阿甘正传、回到未来这几部电影的音乐旋律。 Film composer Alan Silvestri has penned some of the most distinctive and memora...
这张A Night at the Movies,中译名是“香港电影之夜”。便是一张怀旧到如时光倒流七十年的唱片,那种怀旧不是夜上海的纸醉金迷,而是属于香港人上一辈淡淡的回忆,一种不加修饰的有故事性的情节。有那么一些歌曲,从前的老电影留下了故事,在岁月的流沙中,或许故事残缺在记忆里无瑕顾及,但是故事里的歌一直在唱,...
A night at the movies is always a good idea. But when you leave the theater and realize you just dropped $45 on a ticket and some snacks, you'll wish you had been patient enough to wait until the movie came out on Netflix. The average movie ticket price in the United States in 20...
【题目】阅读理解 A night at the movies is always a good idea.But when you leave the theatre and realize you just dropped $45 on a ticket and some snacks,you'll wish you had been patient enough to wait until the movie came out on Netflix. The average movie ticket price in the ...
A Night at the Movies: Regie: Roy Rowland Mit Robert Benchley, King Baggot, Jack Baxley, Sidney Bracey A man and his wife have a less-than-enjoyable time at the movies.