Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm going to tell you all about how to become a better person. It's really important to always try your best to be a good person because it makes the world a nicer place for everybody. The first thing you need to do is be kind to others. That ...
Things are much nicer in the pasture today since the sun came to visit yesterday. We are scheduled to have a few dry days in a row, that makes for happier cows and happier owners. I was headed for a walk and noticed that the weeping willow budded. A few of the goldfish have even e...
It is that the Word became flesh and lived in the world to make us whole again and even in death, refused to condemn but to ask for forgiveness for us; “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:24) Here is the poem of putting the fractured pie...
I do get out of bed. I tend to do chores now as necessary, rather than a little every day, but I still do them. When Daisy runs out of jeans, I’ll do laundry. When Demi is working too late too many days in a row to take out the trash, I’ll take it out. It took me t...
I began a couple of years agoby replacing the glove box door with a much nicer one that I bought many years ago. That replacement door came along with an instrument panel that was also much nicer than the one in my car. I never installed it. The reason of course is the difficulty of...
The coffee is MUCH nicer, though on the down side, I am paying more for coffee and cream than I was when I was only drinking the free stuff available at my office. Pajamas/sweatpants/yoga pants. While I did try out camp “dress for work so you’ll do work”, I quickly decided it...
Sorry –Azurée Legacyis not “paint thinner”. Yes, this is a very high-frequency green leather, really cold and biting, but having just worked with some polyurethane and paint thinner two hours earlier, no. This is quite a bit nicer! LOL!
Thanksweenie. The world would be a much nicer place if everyone was as generous and level headed as you. Reply dearieme27 February 2021 I inherited from my parents in my early forties. Not lots, but enough to give a comforting feeling that we had something to fall back on in the case...
my new Sony A6000 that I bought and Mom brought to Korea for me! Unfortunately, none of the pictures are from this camera because a) long story short they got deleted and b) I’m an idiot and bought a fixed camera lens which I have since replaced with a much nicer, more expensive ...
The Keith Haring edition comes in black and in red and white. I think that the red and white edition is nicer, and it appears that so do other 849 fans: the black edition is still widely available but most places have long sold out of the red and white edition. ...