Star Wars Episode IV:A New Hope 星球大战前传4:新的希望 作者 Ryder Windham著 出版社 Scholastic 出版时间 2004年1月 第1版 ISBN 9780439681230 定价 63.00 内容简介 LukeSkywalker.HanSolo.PrincessLeia.ThebeginningoftheStarWarssaga,inanamazingall-newnovelizationthatwilltieinwiththeblockbusterclassicSt...
Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, originally released as Star Wars, is a 1977 film written and directed by George Lucas. It is the first part of the Star Wars original trilogy and the first Star Wars film released. The film is set 19 years after the form
The beginning of the Star Wars saga, in an amazing all-new novelization that will tie in with the blockbuster classic Star Wars DVD release. 我来说两句 短评 ··· ( 全部1 条 ) 热门 0 有用 Wenh_q 2020-05-13 09:35:38 从去年12月开始,用了半年的时间终于把第一部看完了。前两...
Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope - Opening Crawl 15:32 Star Wars Featurette: The Birth of the Lightsaber 1:06 A New Hope - Star Wars: The Digital Movie Collection 2:02 Episode IV Teaser Trailer 1:29 Creature Cantina 2:08 Use the Force, Luke ...
Star Wars, Episode IV - A New Hope 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Luke Skywalker. Han Solo. Princess Leia. The beginning of the Star Wars saga, in an amazing all-new novelization that will tie in with the blockbuster classic Star Wars DVD release. ...
As revealed in the novelization of A New Hope from 1976, Palpatine was an ambitious politician in the Galactic Republic who promised an end to the decay and corruption of the faction upon becoming its leader, but soon turned it into the authoritarian Galactic Empire. While this sounds almost ...
PremiumStar WarsStar Wars Episode IV: A New HopeStar Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi 971 Words 4 Pages Good Essays Read More Star wars rotj book paper Bradley Davis 1/17/2013StarWars: ROTJ The bookStarWars: Return of the Jedi was the novelization of the movie seriesStarWars. It was...
If we were talking movie novelizations, Sith would rank #1; the Matthew Stover book is spellbindingly written with plenty of extra details. Unfortunately, Lucas kept futzing with his own version of the story at the last minute. He changed Anakin's motivation for turning to the Dark Side ...
', comes "Sharp Candy", a new Halloween anthology series inspired by various 80s and 90s horror anthology novels. PERK CONTENT INFORMATION: The cover art for the Sharp Candy Novelization will be revealed later this month. Please advised of this when selecting any perks that contain the ...
'Solo' Is Set 10 Years Before 'A New Hope' Lucasfilm In terms of timeline, this is the earliest the reboots have gone back in time towards the dreaded "prequels" of the early aughts. In the Disney approved novelization of the final years of the war against the growing empire...