Pedestrian detection plays an important role in many applications. Since its birth 13 years ago, Histogram Of Gradient (HOG) descriptor has become a popular descriptor for pedestrian detection. Besides its original instantiation, the HOG also reflects a general methodology of constructing descriptors ...
摘要: Recent work on pedestrian detection has relied on the concept of local co-occurences of features to propose higher-order, richer descriptors. While this idea has proven to be benefitial for this...关键词: feature descriptor oriented gradients pedestrian detection recurrence plot ...
To this end, a new descriptor, Self-Similarity of Gradients (GSS), is proposed. Inspired by Self-Similarity on Color channels (CSS) feature in pedestrian detection area, GSS can effectively describe the similarities in a HOG feature map, while these similarities are useful and helpful for ...
feature combinationAdaboostSince the ability of various kinds of feature descriptor is different in pedestrian detection and selecting them is not always fathomed, the six common features are analyzed in theory and compared in experiments. It is expected to find a new feature with the strongest ...
A collection of deep learning based RGB-T-Fusion methods, codes, and datasets. The main directions involved are Multispectral Pedestrian Detection, RGB-T Aerial Object Detection, RGB-T Semantic Segmentation, RGB-T Crowd Counting, RGB-T Fusion Tracking. -
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A variant of HOG, called co-occurrence of histogram of gradient orientations (Co-HOG) was recently presented by Watanabe et al.12 and Pang et al.13 for pedestrian detection. Co-HOG is a multiple-gradient-orientation-based feature descriptor. Its computation yields a high dimensional feature ...
Puzicha,, “Shape context: A new descriptor for shape matching and object recognition,” in Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 831–837, 2000. [18] H. L. Beus and S. S. H. Tiu, “An improved corner detection algorithm based on chain-coded plane curves,” ...
A novel descriptor called HDS-SP is proposed based on the principle that the better the viewpoint, the better action recognition performance. The main contributions of this paper are listed as three points: First, a new way to form histogram is created which is more elaborate than the traditio...
Self-supervised Learning for Human Activity Recognition Using 700,000 Person-days of Wearable Data [pdf] [code] Hang Yuan*, Shing Chan*, Andrew P. Creagh, Catherine Tong, David A. Clifton, Aiden Doherty Self-learning Scene-specific Pedestrian Detectors using a Progressive Latent Model. [pdf]...