The zero stands for "zero charge". The mass of a neutron is slightly greater than the mass of a proton, which is 1 atomic mass unit (amu).Why does the neutron has no charge?A neutron has no net charge because the charge of the quarks that make up the neutron balance each other ...
求语法题a proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge,but a neutron has a neither b both WHY? 答案 质子带正电,电子带负电,中子不带电(正负电都不带).Neither就是都不的意思,所以选A相关推荐 1求语法题a proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge,but ...
2, gas injection is one of the most popular EOR methods and has the largest share in recent years. Among the gases, carbon dioxide gas has received a lot of attention because it is a greenhouse gas, and its injection into the reservoir, in addition to increasing the oil production, is a...
Answer true or false: The mass of each neutron is not much in comparison to protons, but they are equal and opposite in charge to protons. True or false? The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons, which has essentially all of the mass. The...
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absorber neutron absorbieren aufnehmen absorbing complex absorbing skill absorbing spectacle g absorbing through liv absorbing-desorption absorbingwell absorbite absorption mechanism absorption of nurishm absorptionandamp stea absorptionbeneath cla absorptionsmittel absorptiontyperadioac absorptivity wave-met absp...
Although a neutron has a net neutral electrical charge, it does consist of charged components which cancel each other out with respect to charge. Neutron Facts A neutron is a type of hadron. It consists of one up quark and two down quarks. ...
A new, high-performance neutron time correlation, or coincidence, counter has been developed for the measurement of nuclear materials. This detector is an improvement over the high-level neutron coincidence counter that was used previously in that it has better counting rate capability, electronic sta...
they have assumed in effect that the neutron has a charge equal to that of a hydrogen atom; but the neutron might equally well have a charge opposite to that of a hydrogen atom, in which case their experiment does not settle the point at issue, since carbon dioxide contains equal numbers...
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