求语法题a proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge,but a neutron has a neither b both WHY? 答案 质子带正电,电子带负电,中子不带电(正负电都不带).Neither就是都不的意思,所以选A相关推荐 1求语法题a proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge,but ...
The zero stands for "zero charge". The mass of a neutron is slightly greater than the mass of a proton, which is 1 atomic mass unit (amu).Why does the neutron has no charge?A neutron has no net charge because the charge of the quarks that make up the neutron balance each other ...
a proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge,but a neutron has a neither b both WHY? 英语作业帮用户2016-11-24 举报 用这款APP,检查作业高效又准确!扫二维码下载作业帮 拍照搜题,秒出答案,一键查看所有搜题记录 优质解答 质子带正电,电子带负电,中子不带电(正负电都不带).Neit...
Answer true or false: The mass of each neutron is not much in comparison to protons, but they are equal and opposite in charge to protons. True or false? The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons, which has essentially all of the mass. The...
Although a neutron has a net neutral electrical charge, it does consist of charged components which cancel each other out with respect to charge. Neutron Facts A neutron is a type of hadron. It consists of one up quark and two down quarks. ...
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These electrons are negatively charged, so they are important in determining the net charge on the atom. However their mass is negligible, with over 99% of the atom's mass derived from the proton and neutron particles in the nucleus. These two particles have compa...
Many neutron stars and black holes jet out gases that appear in the picture as purple streaks (斑纹). Powerful magnetic fields in the area cause the jets to bend as they get further from their source. Astronomer Dr Daniel Wang, who has worked on the image over the past year, said the ...
The three-nucleon force has been suggested [ Sla89 ] as an explanation for the discrepancy in the values of the neutron-neutron scattering length αdetermined from the H(π,nn-γ) reaction (-18.6 +/- 0.3 fm [Mil90]) and the world-average value obtained from kinematically complete neutron...