buildinganetworktheoryofsocialcapital[linnan]教程.pdf,CONNECTIONS 22(1): 28-51 ©1999 I NSNA Building a Network Theory of Social Capital Nan Lin . of Sociology, Duke University Dept INTRODUCTION In the past two decades, social capital in its various fo
Page 1. CONNECTIONS 22(1) :2 8 -51 1999 I NSNA Building a Network Theory of Social Capital'Nan Lin Dept. For instrumental action, we may identify three possible returns : economic return,political return, and social return. Each return can be seen as added capital . 关键词: Board of ...
Building a Network Theory of Social Capital - :建立一个网络的社会资本理论— 热度: 构建一个的2D-Mesh实验模型,采用X 热度: TowardsaTheoryofNetworkedComputation JoanFeigenbaumMichaelMitzenmacher ...
SOCIAL capitalOCCUPATIONAL prestigeRUNNINGSPORTS participationLONG-distance runningRUNNING speedThis study examines the measurement of position generators as a proxy of network social capital (NSC) and its influence on the extensity and upper reachability of social capital and sport/running participation. An...
Building a Network Theory of Social Capital - :建立一个网络的社会资本理论— 政府科研经费投入对高校科技创新产出的影响研究 相关搜索 中国国际资本流入导向研究 以人力资本为导向看会计学科的缺陷 增强金融对社会资本导向功能的思考 资本市场的健康发展是以什么为导向 关于民间资本投资导向的探讨 风险导向下的商业...
Russo, A., & Perrini, F. (2010). Investigating stakeholder theory and social capital: CSR in large firms and SMEs.Journal of Business Ethics,91, 207–221. Google Scholar Sanders, P. (2010). Managing under duress: Ethical leadership, social capital and the civilian administration of the Bri...
Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Chung-Ming Lau Copyright information © 2002 Springer Science+Business Media New York About this chapter Cite this chapter Bian, Y. (2002). Social Capital of the Firm and its Impact on Performance: A Social Network Analysis. In: Tsui, A.S., Lau, ...
Moving beyond dyadic ties: A network theory of stakeholder influences The Academy of Management Review, 22 (4) (1997), pp. 887-910 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Sachana et al., 2020 S. Sachana, S. Debb, S.N. Singh Different charging infrastructures along with smart charging strategies for...
Sen developed an axiomatic theory of poverty index9. His Focus axiom axiomatized Rowntree’s notion of an income poverty line, below which people are labeled poor. As axioms are often taken for granted and rarely questioned, poverty line had remained the quintessential benchmark in the field ...
This paper aims to develop a coherent theory for the practical implementation of sustainable development in the social context. Therefore, it analysis - based on an in-depth literature review - the relation of two Capability Approaches (Sen, Nussbaum) with the terms 'social capital' and 'social...