adsorption exponentad adsorption for nickel adsorption gasoline adsorption indicator adsorption isotherm e adsorption refrigerat adsorptivecapncity adsor adsp rtc not used adsu adts automated data a aduitdetails adulateaccount clarif adult development and adult disposable diap adult gm2 gangliosido adult in...
activerolltanksystem activesteeringmeans activetectoniczone activetoons activevolume activites activities of group r activities planning activities recording activity n activity allocation m activity assay of alk activity based costin activity cost activity cost method activity costing activity from now onw act...
Since we want A and b to be positive, we set interval constraints that make sure that the optimization algorithm will not search in the negative subspace by fitting both parameters as exponentials, i.e. we estimate \({A}{^\prime}=\mathrm{log}(A)\) and \({b}{^\prime}=\mathrm{log...
4a. For positive vorticity, the maximum of the distribution occurs for densities larger than the average density, and conversely for negative vorticity. This means that areas with ω > 0 tend to attract particles, and that they are depleted from ω < 0 areas. The separation of the...
SOS2 is an ordered set of non-negative variables, which at most two can be non-zero, and if two are non-zero these must be consecutive in their ordering. On the other hand, SOS1 ensures only one variable can be non-zero in an ordered set of non-negative variables. A more detailed...
For negative values of λ1, all curves have at least one self-intersection. Turning to positive values of λ1, there is a self-tangent point on the line of symmetry if Y=Y′=0 is satisfied, which leads to σ2=−6λ1/λ3, which means we must have λ3<0. In that case, self...
If 64-QAM is used, then 64 = 2 to the 6thpower (26). The exponent of 6 means 6 bits per symbol for 64-QAM; this gives 5.057 × 6 = 30.3 Mbps. After the entire forward error correction (FEC) and Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) overhead is...
A correlation value of zero meant that there was no linear relationship between a woman’s years of schooling and the number of children she had. A negative correlation indicated that women with higher levels of education tended to have fewer children, while those with lower levels of education...
If and only if all three eigenvalues are negative, the rumor will ultimately die; which means that: $$\begin{aligned}{} & {} \alpha - \sqrt{\alpha ^2 + 4 \mu _1 (\beta _1 + \beta _2 + \gamma + \mu _1)}> 0\\{} & {} \beta _3 + \beta _4 + \mu _2 - \sqrt...
our calibrated measure of fluctuations: thereactivity\(RA_s(k)\)of publisherswhen reporting a topick, see Eq. (3). A negative reactivity means smaller-than-typical fluctuations, and a positive reactivity means larger-than-typical fluctuations. We found that the median reactivity of news outlets...