a nice story a nightmare on elm st a nixon cooper a noise testing syste a normal night a northern soul a nose of wax a not bad weapon a notorious bandit le a novel composite mem a nuclear power stati a numerical example i a nurse is on the mov a ociated mineral a ociation neurone...
nearly [ˈnɪəlɪ] ad. 将近, 几乎 neat [niːt] a. 整洁的;灵巧的 necessary [ˈnesəsərɪ; (US) ˈnesəserɪ] a. 必需的, 必要的 neck [nek] n. 颈, 脖子 necklace [ˈneklɪs] n. 项链 necktie [ˈnektaɪ] n. 领带, 领花 need [niːd]...
Both new filastereans contain a nearly complete integrin adhesome and the associated signaling and cell-adhesion proteins, such as the IPP complex, scaffolding proteins, receptor tyrosine kinases, and at least one receptor tyrosine phosphatase (Figures 3A, 3B, S3A, and S3B). Download: Download ...
Their eldest daughter fifteen-year-old Miriam suddenly collapses on a school playing field and nearly dies after going into anaphylactic cardiac arrest. In the aftermath of the incident, the family must find a way to move on and return to some form of normality whilst coming to terms with ...
TillyandChance.Their 21 wasnearlyenoughto keepmylonelinessatbay.Nearly.Lastyear,Istarted dating,butwith 22 .WhenIfirstdatedSteve,I 23 hehadadog,Molly,andacat,Flora.WhileI was 24 thathewasananimallover,I 25 thatthreedogswereperhapstoomany,andmydogs mightattack 26 ,thecat. Thenextweekwe 27 our...
and on the edge of my computer a new site is announcing that the Chinese government has made it nearly impossible for its 730 million Internet users to express opinions online anonymously. Plus this little cheery gem from the Federal Reserve: the top 1 percent of the U.S. population controls...
that I lived in the Land of Progress, and that my little bubble of like-minded, aspiring professionals was tiny and not nearly as homogenous as I might hope. And further, that my fleeting hope for always agreeable peers was slightly antidemocratic. What is democracy if not the hell of oth...
For Theodore Roethke—whose poem “My Papa’s Waltz” graces nearly any anthology of American poetry—this darkness included a troubled childhood and a struggle with bipolar disorder. But he, as much as anyone, wielded rich wisdom like a fist to the chest. “God bless the ground! I shall ...
Before she was even born, an alien race appeared from another dimension and wiped out nearly the entire planet. To combat the alien Kraal, the military corps chose to ‘cleanse’ the planet with a blanket of nuclear bombs. After her family was exiled from the underground shelters and her ...
According to the confusion matrix, the average True Positive Rate (TPR) of 99.99% indicates that the model has a nearly perfect ability to correctly identify positive instances across all classes. Moreover, the average False Positive Rate (FPR) of 0.00% suggests that the model has an extremely...