as the guests out of as the introduced as the name implied as the network techno as the performance si as the sun turns to b as the transpiration as their top goal as they had stopped as they kissed as they point out as they say as times goes by i kn as timid as a mouse as to...
To go green means constructing buildings that can save, store and even produce clean energy. Developers can tap an entirely new industrial chain based on sustainable technology, renewable energy, new materials, innovative design and other factors. In fact, the development of green cities and sustain...
To go green means constructing buildings that can save, store and even produce clean energy. Developers can tap an entirely new industrial chain based on sustainable technology, renewable energy, new materials, innovative design and other factors. In fact, the development of green cities and sustain...
To go green means constructing buildings that can save, store and even produce clean energy. Developers can tap an entirely new industrial chain based on sustainable technology, renewable energy, new materials, innovative design and other factors. In fact, the development of green cities and sustain...
of hops that a particular message will travel. After seeing this, it became obvious that there was a means for sharing state in a peer network that not only required no central server, but was resilient to node drop-off and did not require election. I call it Nearest Peer Synchronization....
He will not give his name and refuses to say what his business is, insisting the butler tell Sir John only that “someone from Lambeth” is here to speak with him, confident Sir John will know what that means. The Stranger warrants one of Milne’s typically detailed introductory notes: [...
This means that though some species may migrate thousands of kilometers, others may be restricted to a single karst, unable to fly outside the forest due to adaptations which make flight expensive and calls only useful over short distances. Every part of a bat is adapted to its habitat and...
A great description of what blamelessness actually means: How is team-member-1 doing? (team-member-1 is the name of the person that "gave the unfortunate command to delete our primary database" during the global Gitlab outage in Feb 2017. Debriefing Facilitation Guide: Etsy's guide to deb...
It means to build a resilient community, through application of lessons learned. Nevertheless, it seems that this opportunity has not been harnessed yet in L'Aquila. This research is a contribution to the study of the long-term effects of disasters, which according to Gigantesco et al. (2013...
Hyperparameters that are only present for certain values of the scientific hyperparameters are called conditional hyperparameters. We should not assume two conditional hyperparameters are the same just because they have the same name! In the above example, the conditional hyperparameter called learning...