a-modal destroyonclose原理a-modal destroyonclose a-modal destroyonclose原理是当模态框关闭时销毁组件内容。 在Ant Design Vue中,使用destroyOnClose属性时,当模态框关闭时,它的值会自动设置为true,从而销毁组件内容;反之,如果该属性未设置或其值为false,则关闭模态框时不会销毁组件内容。
<!-- 预览弹窗 --> <a-modal v-model="visible" footer width="50%" title="检查报告" @ok="handleOk" @cancel="handleOk" :destroyOnClose="true" > <div> <p>123456</p> <p>123456</p> <p>123456</p> <p>123456</p> <p>123456</p> <p>123456</p> <p>123456</p> <p>123456</...
代码-官方组件库说明 <!-- 预览弹窗 --> <a-modal v-model="visible" footer width="50%" title="检查报告" @ok="handleOk" @cancel="handleOk" :destroyOnClose="true" > <div> <p>123456</p> <p>123456</p> <p>123456</p> <p>123456</p> <p>123456</p> <p>123456</p> <p>123456<...
Ant Design Vue模态框modal 去除确认或添加按钮 <a-modal v-model="uploadVisible" :title="title" :maskClosable="false" width="1000px" :destroyOnClose="true" @cancel="closeModal" :footer="!isshowFooter ? null : undefined" > <template #footer> <a-button type="primary" @click="handleOk">...
visible={isShowUploadModal} //弹框是否显示 onOk={this.handleCloseModel} // 点击确定时的操作 onCancel={this.handleCloseModel} //点击取消时的操作 title="文件上传" // 关闭时销毁子元素,这个很有用,相当于关闭的时候结束了组件的生命周期 destroyOnClose={true} ...
close-on-press-escape 是否可以通过按下 ESC 关闭 Drawer boolean — true custom-class Drawer 的自定义类名 string — — destroy-on-close 控制是否在关闭 Drawer 之后将子元素全部销毁 boolean - false modal 是否需要遮罩层 boolean — true modal-append-to-body 遮罩层是否插入至 body 元素上,若为 false...
2) what happens to a modal dialog box when its parent, a modeless dialogbox, is destroyed? OnClose and OnDestroy are not called for a modal dialogwindow. I have overridden the DoModal, called the base class:int CModalDlg::DoModal(){int iRes = CDialog::DoModal();MessageBeep(MB_...
destroyOnClose Whether to unmount child components on closing drawer or not boolean false extra Extra actions area at corner ReactNode - 4.17.0 footer The footer for Drawer ReactNode - footerStyle Style of the drawer footer part CSSProperties - forceRender Pre-render ...
showMinimize: modalOpts.showMinimize, mask: modalOpts.mask, lockView: modalOpts.lockView, resize: modalOpts.resize, escClosable: !!modalOpts.escClosable, destroyOnClose: true, showFooter: true, 'onUpdate:modelValue' (value: any) { customStore.visible = value } @@ -729,7 +733,7 @@ expo...
DestroyWindow(); return 0; } LRESULT OnDestroy(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { PostQuitMessage(0); return 0; } LRESULT OnAbout(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { CAboutDlg dlg; dlg.DoModal(); return 0; } }; 1.2WTL消息循环机制 ...