As Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” This same sentiment can be true when it comes to a successful risk mitigation plan. The only way for effective risk reduction is for an organization to use a step-by-step risk mitigation strategy to sort...
LLMs can be used to recognise, summarise, translate, and generate texts, with near human-like performance on some tasks [54]. Exactly when a language model becomes ‘large’ is a matter of debate—referring to either more trainable parameters [55], a larger training ...
Keywords: Centrifuge test, Landslide, Slope stability, Scaling law, Mitigation strategy References [1] Akinfiev, N.N., Korzhinskaya, V.S., Kotova, N.P., Redkin, A.F., Zotov, A.V., 2020. Niobium and tantalum in hydrothermal fluids: thermodynamic description of hydroxide and hydroxofluo...
This research will provide a base for the practicing engineering managers within and outside the construction industry to make sustainable practices to deal with the environmental challenges surrounding urbanisation for climate change mitigation and energy security to the wider community. More specifically,...
Complexity and Strategy: interesting perspective on complexity and flexibility with really good examples (e.g. Google Apps Suite vs. Microsoft Office). The Architecture of Open Source Applications The Robustness Principle Reconsidered Jon Postel: "Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what...
We should develop cultural programs and the cultural sector. We should work to make social governance more effective. Workplace safety supervision should be strengthened, and disaster prevention, mitigation, and relief efforts should be bolstered. ...
4. Implementing the coordinated regional development strategy We will devote more energy to speeding up the development of old revolutionary base areas, areas with large ethnic minority populations, border areas, and poor areas. We will strengthen measures to reach a new stage in the large-scale ...
Fill-gap strategy can guide management interventions to address the cause of trade-offs to maintain and enhance progress towards a more coupled direction. The recommended solution for this pattern is to promote the transformation of energy-intensive industries and non-fossil fuel development. These ...
“family planning as climate mitigation strategy” to foreground family planning as a commonsense solution (Stephenson et al.2010; Senderowicz and Nandagiri2022; Sasser2018). Many of these scholars have argued that increased modern contraceptive use leading to lowered fertility is an urgent tool in ...
Even if risks are effectively assessed, however, the question remains how subsequent futureproofing or risk mitigation might actually occur without stifling otherwise hugely beneficial innovation. This question has eluded sound responses from governments and practitioners worldwide for too long. However, by...