Congratulations friends, we finally made it to fall! Tis the season for pumpkin spice and everything nice, including, I hope, a good book. Being my favorite season, I’ll gladly admit I kicked off my fall TBR the minute Pumpkin Spice Lattes were back at Starbucks. If only the Houston ...
A few days later, Sophie was on her knees, pins clamped between her teeth as she made last-minute alterations on Araminta’s masquerade costume. The Queen Elizabeth gown had, of course, been delivered from the dressmaker as a perfect fit, but Araminta insisted that it was now a quarter in...
Goodreads: Purchase Links: AmazonB&NGoggle BooksIndieBound Be sure to visit thetour pagefor a chance to win a print copy of this book. And don’t forget to visit the other stops on the tour. Tour Participants October 3 –Lisa Ks B...
And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough. Now everything’s changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a part of the lives she’s only watched from afar. Now they’ll see; she’s much more than just the girl on the t...
Philip Roth’s novel imagined Lindbergh’s election to the Presidency in 1940 and its chilling results. (Reddit/The New Yorker/Goodreads) * * * Bad Moon Rising In 1930 few, if anyone, were aware of Lindbergh’s proclivities toward nationalism and antisemitism. And lacking a crystal ball,...
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve read some Sierra Simone. When browsing and saw this one I had to have it! The first thing I’m going to tell you is to buckle up. This is one ride that’s gonna wreck you. In all the best ways of course!
ROLL ALONG…Clockwise, from top left:E.B. Whiteand wifeKatharine Sergeanttake a spin in a Model T in the mid 1930s; despite White’s remonstrations regarding headroom, the makers of the Chrysler Airflow advertised their streamlined car’s interior as practically cavernous. (Goodreads/Pinterest...
There is no “one” or “right” way to gain inspiration to write. We are all unique, weird, and at times, unstable individuals. If there was one way to get inspiration to write, there would be books getting published every minute of every day. But sadly, this is not the case, I’...
For aspiring musician and college student McKay Moonlight, winning a summer internship with Scottish master fiddler Huntley Milne was a dream come true. When a last-minute change moved the internship program from the Scottish Highlands of her ancestors to a village she’d never heard of along th...
I am so thankful that God gave you to us! What a blessing you are!! nostalgicitalian Uncategorized 8 Comments February 10, 2025 1 Minute Movie Music Monday – The Glenn Miller Story Before I start today, I promise that this will all tie together. Today’s film is the biography of ...