Muya menudosignifica la diferencia entre victoria y derrota. Veryoftenit means the difference between victory and defeat. Puede comenzar desde contenedores y bolsas,a menudocompletamente innecesario. You can start from containers and bags,oftencompletely unnecessary. ...
he often goes round with Jimmy→ se le ve a menudo con Jimmy 3. (= suffice)→ alcanzar, bastaris there enough food to go round?→ ¿hay comida suficiente para todos? 4. (= visit)let's go round to John's place→ vamos a casa de John 5. (= make a detour)→ dar la vuelta ...
___ 30. Mis acciones a menudo están impulsadas por pensamientos o imágenes que no quiero tener. ___ 31. Si algo me molesta, hago todo lo posible para no pensar en eso. ___ 32. Me siento más nervioso y tenso que el común de la gente. ___ 33. Siempre me siento motivado...
namely theArpilleras, patchwork tapestries that were made by groups of women, thearpilleristas, during the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte (1973-1990) in Chile. The namearpilleraderives from the Spanish word for ‘burlap’ (=arpillera), a ...
A menudo, los horarios de las escuelas y las vacaciones escolares son incompatibles con el empleo a tiempo completo de los progenitores 41 . School hours and school holidays are often incompatible with parents’ full-time employment 41 . eurlex-diff-2017 El empleo a tiempo completo es...
Note that rounded front vowels are often centralized, which means that often they are in fact near-front. ParaCrawl Corpus Las vocales posteriores no redondeadas tienden a ser centralizadas, lo que significa que a menudo son en realidad casi posteriores. Rounded front vowels are often centr...
Often found in menudo. Lengua –A big favorite. This is cow tongue. It’s braised with onions and garlic. I’ve heard it described as a heartier and beefier flavor than flank steak or even surpassing filet mignon. Chopped small into a tortilla with salsa and hit it with a quick ...
The U.S. city has roots in Latin America — and is still shaped by its influence at every turn, from architecture to food trends.
I love it all, from the uber authentic food you can get in some neighborhoods in large cities in America, to the home-made menudo that an ex-boyfriend’s mom made for us, and even including all of the pseudo Mexican food we have in the US – yes, “Yo quiero Taco Bell!” So I...
los profesionales argumentaban que a menudo prescribían el método que mejor conocían, por la falta de tiempo en consulta, y/o por no conocer bien otros métodos. Estos resultados, entre otros, ofrecen la posibilidad de mejorar el asesoramiento anticonceptivo en España, si se plantean e...