喜欢读"A Matter of Death and Life"的人也喜欢· ··· Love's Executioner9.6 Lying on the Couch8.3 The Schopenhauer Cure8.7 Atlas of the Heart8.6 On Becoming a Person8.8 Hold Me Tight8.6 Attached8.6 Man's Search for Meaning9.0 Come ...
快通过这个链接[平步青云 A Matter of Life and Death 1946.mkv]瞧瞧,说不定能满足你的需求~ 对这个资源你有啥想法,还想找其他类型的不?
生死之间 — A Matter of Life and Death Already familiar with the magics of Life and Death, the group decides that Alita should go in search of the Ring of Light and Cloak of Darkness. The powers of the two objects alone would be formidable should the others fail in their quests. Alita'...
Should she have him tied to the bed and force-fed, or should she watch him starve to death? His doctor sits her down and tells her that he will make the medical decisions for her father. I watch her relax at the thought of not having to make the decision....
《A Matter of Death and Life》是Yalom夫妇一起合写的。Irvin 88岁,Marilyn 87岁,两人都是世界级的学者和作家,没有太多unlived life。夫妇俩很真诚的记录了面对Marilyn dying的过程,以及Marilyn去世之后,Irvin自己的治愈过程。俩人都是亲历者, 而且Irvin自己就是顶级的心理治疗师,拥有对内心状态的超级敏锐感知,...
听友82583704创作的个人成长有声书作品A Matter of Death and Life,目前已更新18个声音,收听最新音频章节第34,35章。
A Matter of Life and Death: Directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger. With David Niven, Kim Hunter, Robert Coote, Kathleen Byron. A British wartime aviator who cheats death must argue for his life before a celestial court, hoping to prolong his fle
It is pathologists who are responsible for recognising new diseases such as AIDS, SARS or bird flu, and for diagnosing which cancer a patient is suffering from. And it is pathologists who must explain the cause of death at the autopsy table.</p><p><i>A Matter of Life and Death</i> ...
Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg For the Greater Good of God Lord of Light Legacy 喜欢听"A Matter of Life and Death"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· Brave New World 8.6 Dance Of Death 8.2 Somewhere in Time 8.8 Death On The Road 8.6 Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 9.1 Piece of Mind 9.0...