mathpartir.sty Misspellings run Jun 21, 2013 opt-a4.tex fix ebook-overfulls Nov 22, 2013 opt-bastard.tex Bastard title, fix ebook format. Jun 17, 2013 opt-black-white.tex Tweaks to allow latex (and not only pdflatex) to compile the book ...
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第一本书 Everything You Need to Ace Math in One Big Fat Notebook (zlib可找到) 这是一本你可用用来学习基础数学的书,内容全,通俗易懂。 第二本书 basic mathematic Serge Lang (zlib可找到) 传奇。独一无二的一本书,内含大量主题。虽然是最初等级的数学,但里面的确有一些数学证明上的训练。 (4)基础...
For example, teachers who are confident in their knowledge about teaching a specific math topic may report higher levels of knowledge than they actually possess. With regard to our instruments, participants might read statements such as I have sufficient knowledge of fractions and feel confident, ...
MATHSCINET "Robert's book is aimed at an intermediate level between the very specialized monographs and the elementary texts. It has no equal in the marketplace, because it covers practically all of p-adic analysis of one variable (except the rationality of the zeta function of an algebraic ...
individual shape based on concepts that he has himself developed in a series of recent papers. … In brief, the book is based on a novel and coherent vision, developed according to a definite overall plan to yield non-trivial results ... ." (David Makinson, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 977,...
MathUtilities A grab bag of some of the neat math and physics tricks that I've amassed over the last few years, implemented in Unity's C#. You're free to use the code here however you like. An extremely fast, general mesh-deformation algorithm with arbitrary point-placement and configurabl...
The textbook (containing a proof that the shuffle is uniformly random) is available here:;?doi= === License statement for the direction numbers in the resource files for Sobol sequences. --- Licence pertaining...
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Free textbook: Teaching Engineering (Wankat and Oreovicz) Blogposts Diversity and inclusion in the classroom (Laura Albert) Teaching math (K-12, Milos) Specifics First day UNL; Lang First 3 weeks (UNL) Lesson planning (UMich) Logistics of large classes - 10 articles (Guo) Improving in...