We're playing man-to-man. Mano a mano. There'd be no doubt about it.”— The Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY) 4 Apr. 2013 Man-to-man carries a different meaning in English than mano a mano; it is defined as “characterized by frankness and honesty - usually used of a discussion ...
6720 VIP PKWYSYRACUSE, NY 13211-7326 1 $4,000 ACE INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT INC 1415 SECOND AVETAMPA, FL 33605-5003 10 $86,693 ACE INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES, INC. 1900 E COLLEGE AVECUDAHY, WI 53110-2801 9 $11,032 ACE INDUSTRIES, INC. 6295 MCDONOUGH DRNORCROSS, GA 30093-1252 204 $11,925,056...
ARNT Arndt TrailersHorse trailers AROM AERO MANUFACTURING, INC.; SYRACUSE, INDIANA AROS Aros ARPS Arps Div.Div. Chromalloy American Corp. ARPT AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION; BUS ARRC Arrow Campers, Inc. ARRM Arrow Motor Homes ARRO Arrow ARRT Arrow Trailers, Inc.Affiliated with Great Dane Trailers–Memphi...
24. Hauptman, L. M. (1999).Conspiracy of interests: Iroquois dispossession and the rise of New York State(p. 103). : Syracuse University Press. 25. Hauptman, L. M. (1999).Conspiracy of interests: Iroquois dispossession and the rise of New York State(p. 160). : Syracuse University Pre...
22. Hauptman, L. M. (1999).Conspiracy of interests: Iroquois dispossession and the rise of New York State(p. 91). : Syracuse University Press. 23. Mano,J.M. (1999). Unmapping the Iroquois: New York State Cartography. In L. Hauptman & L.G. McLester III (Eds.),The Oneida Indian...
La Mano Nera The Blank HandThe Five Points Gang were the start of it all, for Italian Gangsters in New York. This gang boasts having the strongest alma-mater of 'em all. It's leader "Paul Kelly" (Paolo Vaccarelli), also a prize fighter, recruited over a thousand members and would ...
Balko, E. A. A behaviorally plastic response to forest composition and logging disturbance byVarecia variegata variegatain Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. PhD Thesis. State University of New York Syracuse (1998). Vasey, N. Niche separation in...
and more specifically on the role of academies, see Arnaudo (2013: 26–28, 55–57). As Samarini (2018: 247) points out: “In più di un caso … l’attenzione per Dante nel XVII secolo si lega agli interessi antiquari e al collezionismo, configurando una fruizione dei manoscritti riser...
A middle latitude occurrence at 43° N is shown by calcareous thrombolites (discussed in Section 3.2) and large (baseball-size) spherical microbialites at Green Lake State Park near Syracuse, New York [19]. Thrombolites were defined for the first time by Aitken in 1967 [20] as distinctly ...
In Proceedings of the Interational Cryocooler Conference, Syracuse, NY, USA, 9–12 June 2014. 21. Costa, S.C.; Barreno, I.; Tutar, M.; Esnaola, J.A.; Barrutia, H. The thermal non-equilibrium porous media modelling for CFD study of woven wire matrix of a Stirling regenerator. Energy...