Unlike Jack Nicholson or Bill Murray, whose smile can be either charming or sinister, Hanks always lets us know the character is headed towards redemption. A Man Called Otto would have been a more authentic emotional journey if he didn’t. ...
"Film Threat" A MAN CALLED OTTO - Film Threat Reviews (TV Episode 2023) - Taglines from original posters and video/DVD covers
WhileA Man Called Ottois sincere and well-acted, there’s also not much here to justify the existence of thisA Man Called Overemake. Director Marc Forster (using a script from David Magee, adapting both the novel Hannes Holm’s Swedish adaptation) seems eager to lean into the sappy and s...
even during the end-of-the-year holiday season that has always seemed well-suited for middling-budget, family-friendly dramas like it. That fact doesn’t makeA Man Called Ottoa particularly unique or boundary-pushing film. It does, however, make it feel like a relic from a different time...
Pop Culture Maniacs Your home for entertainment Tag:A Man Called Otto FilmFilm Reviews A Man Called Otto Review January 14, 2023Kieran FreemantleComment(0) A Man Called Otto is a remake of the Swedish comedy-drama A Man Called Ove. The American version sees Tom Hanks as the curmudgeon lead...
Tom Hanks shines in a touching but unremarkable drama movie titled A Man Called Otto, directed by World War Z filmaker Marc Forster
A Man Called Otto 預約看片 導演: 馬克佛斯特 主演: 湯姆漢克斯 瑞秋凱勒 曼紐賈西亞魯佛 瑪莉安娜特維諾 年份:1120414 片長:125分鐘 分級:保護級 , 未滿 6 歲兒童不得觀賞 6~12歲需父母、師長或成年親友陪伴輔導觀賞 標籤: Thai 搬遷 翻拍 DVD影片 ...
Based on 182 critics’ reviews With an average rating of 6.1/10 The website’s consensus reads, “Check all cynicism at the door and allow A Man Called Otto to tug at your heartstrings with its tried-and-true tune—it just might sing” ...
今年贺岁档之中,外语片不多,其中由汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)主演的《生无可恋的奥托》(A Man Called Otto)就是其中之一。 故事表面上讲一个凡事厌烦的中年老头,后来却因遇上新邻居而软化,是一出笑中有泪的暖心喜剧。 加上由影帝汤姆·汉克斯主演的作品必有保证,善良而富人情味,属今个新年很适合一家大小观...